No Wuckers
I did it!! Yay me! hehe Well I spent about half hour on the phone getting more info last night. Then I spent a few hours hammering something out and emailed what I thought was a rough start a little after midnight. Got a call this morning and it was loved! Feeling rather relieved (and pleased with myself) because I didn't want to have to work on it tonight while babysitting my niece.
[I][B]Need your help ted with a poem[/B][/I]
This is the exact sms I woke to this morning.
First of all I am not a poet! I don't consider my "torment" writing poetry, although some of it has a certain rhythm to it. Besides, the sender doesn't even know about my blog. I've written maybe a handful of poems in my entire life and yes I liked them and so did other people but that does not make me a poet. Now not only am I asked to help create a poem, I've since found out that it is to be read at a work function. Not so bad, especially since I'm not going to be connected to it in anyway. But, and it's a big but, this "work" just happens to be within a rather large, rather christian, charitable organisation. Not exactly my ideal audience!
So here I am expected to write a lengthy poem on a subject I have no clue about for the antithesis of my target audience (if I were to write for an audience at all). It is what some would call a depressing topic and yet I've been asked to make it fun and lighthearted.
I think I might need some divine intervention here!
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