I Was Watching That
There is a reason most of my friends are, and have always been, male. Meaning I've always had male friends not possible gender benders. I don't particularly like most women, I'm not sure what it is. Which is strange because when it comes to the online world I get along equally well with both men and women. Perhaps that is because I see the online world as androgynous, gender plays little or no role in why I connect with people. Which could follow over into the "real" world and I just haven't met the same calibre of women there.. But I digress...
So I get a phone call on Wednesday night a little after 8.30. I curse on the first ring because I'd just got into the story on this weeks episode of House. I curse on the second ring because I looked at the caller ID and it was a private number. I pick up on the third ring..
Me : (not trying to hide my annoyance) Hello..
Them: (a very cheery) Hel-looo
It is at this point I realise the voice is: a) female and not family b) one I haven't heard in a while and it takes me a few seconds to recognise, and c) upon recognition it was a voice I could have gone without hearing ever again and not missed it.
Now don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against this woman, really. I've known her since before she started High School (she's now 22), I went to school with her sister and got on well with her entire family for a number of years. Her eldest sister and I had a falling out years ago, but I still stayed in touch with the rest of the family. I was at 3 of the girls 18th's and 21st's. It's just I don't do the whole female friendships well and grew tired of the incessant bitching. I realised there was really nothing to gain by keeping the friendship strong. We had fun going out every now and then and that was ok.
So we go through the usual niceties on the phone "How are you?" " How's the family?" "What's new?" The last time I spoke to her she'd just had a baby girl, baby is now almost 8mths old. Oh, and she's pregnant again now, 10weeks. Normally this news from anyone would be met with enthusiasm from me. In this case it just brings a slight sick feeling to my stomach.
Her: So have you got a boyfriend?
Me: (slight laugh) No, and not looking for one.
Her: (a sound almost like pity in her voice) Oh really, why not?
Me: I'm quite happy being single..
Her: They're not all bad you know.
Me: They're not all good either..
Her: Oh my husband is, he's so sweet blah blah blah
This is where I feel really sick. I've met her husband once, when we went out to celebrate her 21st birthday. It was an ok night, we went out dancing and drinking and then I was staying at their place, to make the trip home sober the next day. At the end of the night her "wonderful" hubby was in the back of a car with me, while for some reason she was in the other car. He did and said a few things which I frankly told him were way out of line. We got back to their place and as I went off to bed he looked me in the eyes and quietly, but forcefully, told me: "I will fuck you one day!"
I haven't seen either of them since. The next time I spoke to her she was calling to tell me she was pregnant and so I made the decision to keep my mouth shut about what I thought of her husband.
I cut our call short not long after that and assured her we would "catch up soon". Now I have two issues with her and this conversation. That's apart from the one I can't really blame her for, her husband and the fact he's an absolute a*hole and she doesn't see it. I'm sure I wasn't the first person he hit on and I'd bet I wasn't the last.
My first issue though is with her assumption that I was someone to be pitied purely because I was single. I find this is a mindset found in so many women. They feel that you cannot be happy without that other person "completing" you. Honestly, I find that sad.
Secondly, that I am single in no way means that I have something against men! I do not hate men. I do not descriminate. I hate everyone!
This has turned into a much longer rant than I intended and I'm not even sure my original point was made, truthfully I'm not sure what my original point was anymore. But the bloody bitch made me miss House....
Bloody women!
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