Surviving the Days ... and the Weeks and the Torment.

Words I write don't necessarily make sense to you... I don't expect them to, maybe I don't even want them to... The thoughts are written fragmented and incomplete! I do not write for any form of external validation.. What you read may not have the same meaning as what I write... But do not underestimate the personal significance of my words! An essential part of who I am is only evident in my writing... It had been locked away after it was used against me... Everything you need, in order to hurt me, is right here!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

100 Things (the next 20)

21. In the last 6yrs I've met more than 100 people from online (male and female), I've dated a handful of the guys.

22. The last concert I went to was Moby, in Melbourne.

23. Until last year I'd never been on a plane, had to for the Moby concert. (not in a hurry to jump on another)

24. I love to read. I've read some Stephen King and Dean Koontz books more than 20 times, I also have a shocking memory for books.

25. As I've gotten older I've become less concerned with good impressions. I say what I think when I think it. Those who know me well know how to take me and those who don't, learn or not.

26. When I went into labour with Little Boy I had contractions for 3 days before I went to hospital, I gave birth 6hrs after I got there.

27. I did not have an epidural, I had two shots and gas. Advice to the girls/women - no matter what anyone says or what you think beforehand, You DO want drugs, lots of them. Drugs are good!

28. The first movie I ever remember seeing at a cinema was Footrot Flats: The dog's Tale.

29. I've seen the movie Mannequin, with Kim Cattrall, at least 50 times. Sadly, I think I still know most of the script.

30. I have a very real fear of failure. Most of the time I don't let it win, but occasionally it does. My biggest fear is failing as a mother.

31. Last year I shaved most of my hair off. This year I've decided to grow it long again. Effectively I've condemned myself to two consecutive years of bad hair days.

32. I love Motorsport in most forms but especially Formula 1. While I was with the Ex I gave motorsport photography a go, the adrenaline rush that it provided and the thrill of getting that great shot only enhanced my love of all things loud and fast.

33. In my adult life, the longest I've ever been without a boyfriend is 12mths.

34. The longest I've been without sex is, coincidentally, now just over 12mths too.

35. There has been two moments in my life that I have felt complete terror, vastly different events but sheer fear both times.

36. I gave up smoking on the first day of this year after making a promise to Little Boy to do so. So far so good..

37. I accept people for who they are with only one expectation, honesty. Lies to me are a deal breaker and I will not accept them. My favourite saying is "People with nothing to hide, hide nothing".

38. I'm very curious by nature, if I become interested in something I will find out as much about it as I possibly can and that includes people.

39. On Little Boy's first day of school I felt guilty because I was one of the only mothers not breaking down into tears. My mother and sister both cried but not me, I saw it as a good day not a bad one.

40. As far as celebrity crushes go, I have had one for years on both Neve Campbell and Jessica Alba. I'm not Bi but women can be so much more attractive than men.

Ok so there's up to 40 I'm thinking the next installment will be sexually based, just for the sake of it. ;-)

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