Surviving the Days ... and the Weeks and the Torment.

Words I write don't necessarily make sense to you... I don't expect them to, maybe I don't even want them to... The thoughts are written fragmented and incomplete! I do not write for any form of external validation.. What you read may not have the same meaning as what I write... But do not underestimate the personal significance of my words! An essential part of who I am is only evident in my writing... It had been locked away after it was used against me... Everything you need, in order to hurt me, is right here!

Monday, December 24, 2007


I've been a terrible blogger I know, not that that's anything new... And yeah I know I've come back with a pretty poor excuse for a photo of my tree but it's the best I could do quickly. I promise to try to be a better blogger come the new year!

I just couldn't go without wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas!!!

I'm right at this moment meant to be cooking various xmas goodies but having got half way I have been distracted and lulled back into procrastination. I'm enjoying the "Season" this year and while I'm busy none of it has been too hard to handle. I think my only painful social gathering will be my immediate family get together on Boxing Day, kinda sounds bad saying that though...

I hope you are all getting into the festive spirit and spending some time with those you care most about. Enjoy yourselves in whatever way works for you!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


* Well so much for getting my creative juices flowing... My NaNoWriMo attempt didn't even get off the ground so will have to try that again next year. I've written nothing for almost a month and still there's not much to tell. Last weeks federal election couldn't have gone better IMHO, to see Bonsai lose his seat of 30+ odd years was priceless let alone the libs loss. New PM has been a long time coming and it will be interesting to see how he handles it.

* My little sister's were up for a few days to celebrate their b'days last weekend which was good. While littlest managed to get VERY drunk VERY quickly she impressed me by lasting with me 'til the sun was up (which was more than anyone else.. *cough*Tom*cough*). Was a different night to what I expected but still everyone seemed to enjoy it.

* My brother has yet again surprised me with the level of his selfishness and rudeness but now it just mildly ticks me off because for the most part I've stopped giving a shit. I won't even say what I think of his other half...

* I've almost finished my little (actually it turned into a rather big) photo project and hopefully I'll have it on the wall by next week. That will make me more than a little happy!

* I have started my christmas shopping and dreading the last of it. While I get a kick out of giving the actual physical shopping factor drives me bonkers. Really must try to finish it int he next week so that the real rush of christmas shopping doesn't send me to an early grave.

* Drew finishes school in a little over 3 weeks and the following 5-6weeks are pretty much booked solid. I'm fairly sure we're going to need the month of February to recover.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

"Stressed" Teen; Stupid Mother: Great Combination

I just couldn't go past this story without a few words. To summarise for those not wanting to click... It tells of a 16yr old Year 10 student in our nations capital who has been given permission by her school to have smoke breaks. That's not even the best bit, it was apparently on her DOCTOR'S advice as she is "clinically addicted". Well fuck, of course the best idea is to give her all the reason in the world to keep smoking.

So many parts of this story are fucked up I almost don't know where to start. How bout that it is illegal to sell or supply a minor with cigarettes. Or maybe start with the treatment of one who is "clinically addicted" by feeding her fucking addiction. Will we do the same for all the teens in our schools addicted to marijuana, ice, heroin and whatever the fuck else?

I'm a smoker and I've smoked since before I was in High School, I don't claim that as a badge of honour it is just a sad fact. I know damn well smoking is fucking stupid and so does anyone else who smokes. Yes it is an addiction and No it isn't easy to quit. My mother has known I've smoked for the last 10 or so years and she STILL won't even buy me smokes with my own money. No one ever encouraged me to smoke and I take full responsibility for my habit and what I do about it. Having said all that I am looking at this story and find it seriously fucked up, especially from a mother's point of view. Have a look at what this teen's mother had to say about the matter...

Tara's mother, also a smoker, said the situation reached breaking point last month when her daughter was placed on detention, and prevented from leaving the school grounds.

"She was really stressed. She just calms down if she has got a cigarette; otherwise she storms in the door, cranky and angry."

How about taking at look at why the girl was given a detention in the first bloody place and teaching her ways of avoiding that! It's a punishment, of course she should be stressed the idea is to deter the bad behaviour! Show a little leadership and parent your child at home and deal with the storming around the fucking house.

Ms Lewis said she made the request during a meeting with a teacher and the vice-principal.

"I told them her major problem is when she is stressed, if she could just have a cigarette to calm her down and stop her getting angry.

"I said: 'I've talked to the doctor about it'.

"Both teachers said: 'Okay, I don't see why not'."

Okay three things:
1) take her to an anger management class
2) get a new doctor
3) change her school

Under the special rule, Tara said she can smoke in school grounds, near the staff carpark, but must remain away from other students.

Tara's mother said she had started rewarding Tara with just six cigarettes a day if she did chores and behaved at school.

"It's not like I want my kid to smoke. I've done everything to get her to stop it, so if I can control it and say 'when you can have a cigarette, you do chores', that might help.

"I don't want her smoking. It's the last thing you want to let your kid do."

If you don't want your daughter smoking DON'T GIVE THEM TO HER pretty bloody simple. Try being the responsible adult in your family and get a clue!

Think I'm done now, I feel better anyway :-)

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Purging, the old fashioned way...

I'm still alive and all moved and all that crap. Took a little while to get net sorted which didn't bother me too much. Been back online for a week or two and have caught up quietly reading everyone else's blogs and figure it's about time I did an entry of my own. So I'm starting the clock and doing a 30min purge...

My move ended up happening rather quickly even though I knew it was coming for months before. I fucked around for weeks/months looking for a place in a rental market which is fucked up and even more so for someone in my position. After countless appointments looking at houses and well over a dozen applications for properties each with dozens of other applicants I had no new place and the end of my lease quickly approaching. The real estate I was dealing with were no help and became rather painful to deal with. Then my Plan A came back into play when my neighbour (friend) decided she was moving into (rather than selling) the property she and her husband bought just before he decided to walk out on her and the kids. Meaning I could move into the house she was moving out of and rent directly from her. So I moved a few doors over in the same street and Little Boy remains at the same school and we remain in the quiet little street that we both enjoy.

I've also had a new Little Miss to look after 5 days a week, the daughter of my above mentioned friend and now new landlord. So my daily routine has altered to cater for an almost 2yr old, who is a gorgeous kid to look after. This has also meant my somewhat hermit-esque lifestyle has taken a dramatic change with people coming and going each and every day. I am not sure yet if this is entirely a good thing, I am missing MY time. Today is the first day in weeks that I have not had a kid for any part of the day and have not had to go anywhere with anyone. It's been an enjoyable quiet day!

The move also had a side effect on my family relationships. Heated words were exchanged between my brother and myself after some extremely selfish (in my opinion) behaviour on his part and not helped by actions of his partner. It culminated with the shit hitting the fan on the final day of my move and my brother also having words with both my sister and Mum, I almost felt sorry for him... almost. Since then his partner has had more of an influence and I'm pretty sure that I will very rarely be taking care of my niece from here on in. I always saw that coming as I know that my connection and steady influence with my niece was not liked or appreciated by my brother's controlling half (I'm trying to be nice here). The fact that I won't be having Little Miss as often, in itself does not bother me too much at this point. The 5am mornings and long days of a 3yr old princess are not always fun and though I was getting paid (a little) the constant expectation of more began to wear very thin. Perhaps one day soon my brother will see just how much I gave and for so little thanks.

My new house is beginning to feel like home, even though there are remnants of it's former occupants still around the place, like the fish tank still in the lounge room, there are not so many boxes left to unpack. Hopefully by the end of the year I will have everything in it's right place, the new pieces I still need (want) to buy in place and the last of the excess clutter/baggage/shit gone.

My online activities have also had to change dramatically since my move but that's not a bad thing either. I'm still reading the blogs I want to read and keeping up with the news on here but my own additions to the net have become even less than they were (taking them to zero?!) but that too will change. I (re)signed up for NaNoWriMo and intend to get my writing flowing in some form or fashion over this month. I have no expectation of reaching the 50,000 word mark but I always work better to some form of a deadline and will be happy to write almost anything. I desperately need to get creative in some way.

Well my thirty minutes is up, apologies for the boring ranting and dribble but hey I wrote something!!! I may not be commenting on your blogs but I'm definitely still reading!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Moving House

Moving over the next couple of days

Back online when I get around to it

Then hopefully back to some sort of normal

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Not so hopeless?

A month of absolute fucking hell

Perhaps a ray of sunlight has been seen

Not quite ready to grasp the hope too strongly

Want to believe but waiting to see it happen

Give it a week...

And if so, hard work means fuck all

It still comes down to who you know!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Give Up?

I've watched as it went from one new code to the other and sat here shaking my head in disbelief at those people who've jumped and:

* complained they didn't know the last move was coming (get your head out of your own arse and look at the font page of your beloved community once in a while); or

* complained and asked when they will get their old posts back, and let me clarify there is a difference between the complaining/expectation and appreciation that it could be possible but there's been a shit load of the former! (You should remember that there was a back-up function which was very easy to use once in a while. If you don't use it, then when your blog goes find another way to get your posts back if they are so important. But why are they only important once they're bloody gone? It's your content don't expect anyone else to get it back for you BUT if they DO, show some damn appreciation!); or

* instead of pointing out bugs in the completely new system some have grumbled "I can't do... A, B or C" ... "I can't scratch my own arse". (For a place that you keep choosing to stick with and have followed the recent problems and I assume you know it is a HOBBY for ONE man, how bout you show a little fucking patience and let the man do his thing and yeah it may not be in the first fucking day but hey you wanted to stay for the community right?)

There have been a lot of other things said too that have made my jaw drop and I've started to pity Keith for all that he must get privately as well as out in the public forums. Quite a few people have been just plain rude and selfish.

Now having said all that I have tried to be patient in waiting for my little problem (and anyone else's who uses a hotmail acc and doesn't want another fucking email addy to keep track of) of just getting into the site. One of Keith's first posts on the new code was about login issues and he posted this comment several days ago: "Even if you registered for WPMU before .. you need to register again for this new script. If you are having issues with getting the verification then please tell me what user name you registered with and I will get that verified for you." The very next comment is from me doing just that, and yet here I am almost a week later still waiting.

You know it wouldn't have bothered me too much because I'd already decided to stay here for the most part. Most of the blogs I read there have not gone registered or buddy only, I can still read and comment and all that so it wasn't bothering me. Until... Keith gets his little subscriptions working, which is all well and good for the community, but in the process it fucked up the feed for bloglines.

I've got enough shit to contend with offline I don't want to be wasting the little time I spend on here at this point. So if I don't get round to your blogs much don't take it personally. At the moment I've pretty much given up on it but when my life settles back in to some kind of normalcy I'll come back to it. For now I'm going to mirror my life on this blog and become a hermit of sorts, I just can't be bothered.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Much Longer?

Each day goes by with uncertainty hanging over it, still

I'm sick of living and breathing the bullshit, but must continue

I'm beginning to feel like the piece of crap I've been pigeon holed as

I'm running out of steam, confidence, motivation and time

Hours upon hours wasted and all ending with the same result

There is nothing more I could be doing, no magic words to mutter

I just want to crawl into a little ball and cry...

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Guest blog of the year!

Zee Redbacjk here... akla thpmas. (

Ted is singing powderfinger on singstar. they atre teh gay. I have on l,y drANK 4/5thsw of a btottle of scoptch. Not much. still cohrennet. Danei9llel just stuick her finger up at me vcausre I bagtged out powdergfind.

Fucmk they are gaytt!~

I sgould b l0g on my own blog. nah. my blogt is gay. gayert than waking up qwithg a cock in your mouth.

w3ll, im off, singstar calls. (ts s4ex//////




Sunday, September 16, 2007

Still here...

I've been flat out and as much as I'd love to flood my blog with bitching and moaning about my life at the moment (it'd be overflowing in no time) I just don't have the energy. So instead I give you this for now...

Oh and I don't think I'll be moving this blog any time soon so no need to change your bookmarks, again.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

While I Was Out

So yeah I've been forced back to here. Design won't be fixed for a few weeks, I can't be bothered spending the time on it at the moment.

While I was away from here I didn't pay any attention at all so upon my return I had a quick look at my stats page. It was a little scary to see where some people had come from to land their little butts here. Just a few search examples:-

* alcoholic donuts (ok not so strange yet)

* how to break stubborn streak in little boy (hmm i'm not so big on "breaking" your kid but ok not too bad)

* small cock support group (just because I mentioned it doesn't mean my blog will be of any use for those actually looking for a group, so why would you click to here?)

* my life lady sweety (this one is kind of sad. Many people are finding their lovers online but most of them use dating sites, this poor sod was trying to google her out of the abyss)

* visine on cock ( my apologies to the lovely LV I think you somehow got caught in the crossfire)

* little dicked grandfather humiliation (wtf? I don't know if this was the grandfather or the grandson but either way how the hell did I make the cut? I even opened the search to try to answer this question and after 10pages hadn't found the answer or me)

* what should be the reasonable size of penis to fuck properly (by now I'm starting to see a pattern and for someone who hasn't had any cock in a couple of years now it is slightly worrying. In answer to the search (in case it's repeated) if you have to google it chances are you're not quite there)

* little dicked bears (this is my personal favourite I must say and I'm not going to even try to work it out)

I'll just have to see if I can improve on these in the future.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Chaser's War on APEC

I decided not to blog about this yesterday as it all came out but since I'm still laughing today I changed my mind. I'll also use any excuse to write something, anything, at the moment.

The Chaser boys are well known in this country and people tend to either love them or hate them. Their "War on Everything" provides a certain kind of comedy and satire which can be hard to find these days and has given them (and the ABC) a regularly top rating TV show. Wednesday's show gave a taste of the humour during the lead up and the beginning of APEC with this:

A few days ago they pulled their first stunt during the APEC summit in Sydney by showing up at a student protest dressed as a horse and copper. A fairly ordinary joke at the expense of not only APEC but the apparently dire state of our equine community (due to a horse flu outbreak) which led to the police being unable to use their horses as part of security.

Yesterday, however, they took it to another level and were rewarded for their efforts. The boys hired three "official looking" cars and a couple of motorbikes and formed their own motorcade. Dressing the cars in Canadian flags and flanking them with guys in suits they headed towards the restricted zone of the city to see how far they'd get. They included in their "disguise" their own "Insecurity" APEC ID badges which were clearly labelled "Chaser's War" and "Joke". There has been $250 million spent on security this week, some of which I spoke of a couple of posts ago. But, as it turns out the fake motorcade was waved through the first police checkpoint and then the second as well. When the team reached the third and final checkpoint just a matter of metres from President Bush's accommodation they decided to turn around. Before they did Chas stepped out of one of the motorcade's cars dressed as Osama bin Laden and stated that he was a powerful world leader and wanted an invite too. It was only at this point that police realised they'd been had and swarmed the motorcade and arrested all 11 people involved.

The publicity is more than The Chaser has ever had before, managing to be among the top stories for both yesterday and today. A poll on a newspaper website asked if the prank was funny and after 28,000+ votes almost 90% said yes. But predictably not everyone has seen the humour, most notably the top dogs in the police responsible for the security this week. They have said today that the comedians were lucky not to be shot by snipers, to which Julian Morrow responded that "lucky it was us and not al-Qaeda". A fair point in my opinion. I found Today Tonight's story last night on the prank rather amusing in itself and even more so when I caught a little of the show tonight too. Since the public has been overwhelming in their support of the Chaser guys TT changed tact and the boy's went from "dangerous fools" to the next big thing. Several "media experts" saying the team could make millions by jumping ship to a commercial station and one going as far as saying the boy's could make it even bigger in Hollywood.

There are a couple of things about the security breach which should be worrisome, not least of which is the fact that the Canadian PM was not yet even in the country. On a day when there was 92 motorcades travelling through the inner city within just a few short hours I would have thought the security actually on the ground would at the very least know which countries delegates were running around the place.

The team were all released on bail last night and are due to face court next month and could face a maximum of six months jail. That didn't stop another three of the Chaser's crew filming in the city again this afternoon. This time they dressed with black cardboard cars, with paper plates for wheels but still adorned with Canadian flags, and kept their "motorcade" out of the restricted zone. The police again took them in for questioning though this time had to let them go without charge. You can't help but give The Chaser some credit!

Just as an aside, a couple of other quick observations to do with APEC:

1) I've been incredibly impressed with Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd so far during the summit. Yesterday during a meeting with the Chinese President and various officials and big business representatives Rudd took to the microphone after Bonsai and welcomed the Chinese in fluent Mandarin.

2) Is it just me or does Bush's slip of the tongue this morning thanking Bonsai for his hospitality during the "OPEC" meeting seem a little Freudian? I mean he corrected himself rather quickly but after telling everyone how important the oil is to Iraq etc etc the other day it just seems to me he has a little too much oil on the mind. Yet not one media outlet has said anything along those lines...

3) For two countries who have NOT ratified the Kyoto Protocol it seems more than a touch hypocritical for Bush and Bonsai to now be claiming climate change is among their top priorities. Another blatant election campaign move by Howard is his attempt to make CC top of the pile for this summit.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Drugs, Sex and David Duchovny; What more could you want?

I've fallen (back) in love with David Duchovny. I've watched the first two episodes of Californication and it's my new favourite show! Before the first ep aired here I mentioned to Phil that I'd be watching it and he voiced his surprise that it was being shown on free-to-air TV here. Well a couple of weeks in and it certainly hasn't gone unnoticed. There was predictably a few people up in arms last week about the whole first scene with the "nun". I was a little surprised that it seemed to blow over relatively quickly.

Until this week anyway. The headline yesterday was "Drugs, sex and vomit prompt Californication boycott call". The article tells of "outraged family groups" who held a candlelight vigil outside the Channel 10 offices as the show aired on Monday night and also of the proposed boycott of not only the show but of the advertisers as well. The writer of this article also asks the question "Should TV script writers continue breaking taboos or should they pull their heads in and focus on less offensive material such as the US series of The Office?" I find the question humorous in itself purely because the original UK series of The Office was a shitload better than the US one. Anyway, the story has since generated 850+ comments, which is pretty impressive considering 3-400 is a lot for a good story on that site. From my reading I'd say a majority of those comments were defending the show and Channel 10.

I find it amusing and a little worrying that people can get so worked up about something they saw on a fictional TV show. I decided to share just a couple of those comments that opposed the show and offer my thoughts on them. Feel free to stop reading anytime now, this was an exercise for my own amusement and distraction...

"Ehat a disgaceful show. If you perverts want porn go and hire at the video shop. Normal people do not want this crap on TV

Posted by: rodger of Brisbane"

First of all let me say that "normal people" don't spell Roger with a d, Rodger. More importantly I'd say you need to get your rocks off a little more often and perhaps that could be done by investing in (or googling) better porn than you currently have. If Californication is your definition of porn than you are very obviously missing out on a lot! I didn't see one cock! Being more sexually (self)satisfied may also help in relaxing you a little.

"Im a boradminded 30 somthing, and I think this show is a disgrace. You cannot prevent children from watching fee to air TV and this sort of trash has no place on free to air TV. Channel seem to be on track to rival Channel 4 in the UK...nothing but soft porn, reality TV and nothing of substance. Australia is better than this.

Posted by: benny of perth"

Leaving your spelling and typing abilities alone and going straight to your parenting skills, or lack there of, I would suggest your children should be in bed at that time of night. Failing that I would secondly suggest no TV's in the child's bedroom. Failing both of those options I'd suggest you step the fuck up and PARENT your children. I certainly don't have a problem preventing my son from watching this or any other show on TV.

"the argument "obviously they forgot they can turn their tvs off" is a much-repeated but actually redundant argument. So, do we run shows showing women being abused, beaten, bashed, or the killing of children, then say "if u dont like it, dont watch it"? Surely we need some standards. You can say that till your blue in the face, but what about all the teens who have tvs in their bedrooms? can parents be everywhere at once? Saying "just turn the tv off" takes all responsibillity away from those charged with the responsibility of putting content on our tvs. In reality, it only makes the job harder for those who are trying to raise their kids to have decent morals, and for what? the pleasure of people who like getting free porn on free-to-air tv instead of having to suffer the humiliation of renting it out from the dvd store.

Posted by: anthony of perth"

I think you'll find the shows about women and children (and even men!) being abused, bashed and killed are Law & Order, CSI and various other shows I'm sure you've seen and not complained about. So the simple answer to your question would be "yes, on a nightly basis". Just like Californication they are fictional shows but they seem to cause no objection from the "family groups" and others like yourself. Parenting is up to you and instead of relying on others to monitor what your children do and don't see on TV how bout you take that responsibility upon yourself.

Bloody Fools

I need a brief distraction from my life so I'm not blogging personal or life shit today. Since I watched a press conference a little while ago by two absolute wankers, one of whom is the biggest dickhead holding a position of power in the world today. No prizes for guessing that I'm talking about Bush and "Bonsai" (my fave John Howard nickname) in the lead up to the APEC summit being held this week in Sydney. I'm going to make a real effort not to get into too much serious detail.

Now let me start by saying I don't think the summit itself is a bad thing, in fact it could be quite beneficial and productive given the right leaders but I won't dwell on that one. It also happens to be a timely and handy tool for Bonsai in the lead up to our federal election. He knows this all too well and started off in great form by attending a National Rugby League awards event last night instead of meeting Bush at Sydney airport on his arrival. To a very sporting nation such as ours it was a blatant (and futile) attempt at looking like a "typical Aussie bloke". It may have had a chance of working IF we didn't know just how UNsporting little Bonsai is, as evidenced in this little vid.

There has also been a lot of talk here about Bonsai's choice of location for the summit. Being a sydneysider I can see all the good reasons to hold it here, it is the biggest (and best) city in the country. However, it is not the capital and considering this APEC summit is one of our biggest political events, at least on a regional scale, it would seem logical to hold it in our nations capital. This would also mean a hell of a lot less disruption to residents and would be much easier to provide the required security. As it stands we have a city of four million and the CBD basically in lock-down for a week with numerous road closures, security check-points and no-go zones at differing times. So much so that the city was given a public holiday for Friday and encouraged to "go away" for a long weekend.

With Sydney locked in to host and Bush already in the city the summit is well under way. As I mentioned the first joint press conference was held a little while ago with the two buddies joking and blabbing on about Iraq and how well they are doing. Also mentioning climate change and the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions which led to an agreement on nuclear energy. That's the word, nuclear, that sticks out to me from the press conference as Bush was forced to try to say it at least a dozen times. I know he's nearing the end of his term and he's been around for years now but it still amazes me that the "hardest job in the world" is held by a man who can not even manage to string a coherent sentence together when facing the world's media! Fuck knows how he does it when he has to write it himself.

Okay I'm already bored with this topic and no doubt so are you. So I'll go back to blocking my ears and closing my eyes in an attempt to ignore the stupidity that is bound to be of abundance this week. Which may even spare you from a proper rant on the topic. Hmm did I even make a point with this? meh who cares...

Monday, August 20, 2007

Not so Fucking Good

Things fell into place

And have now been scattered

Fucked up no end

Too good to be true

Too fucking right

Just another fucked up hurdle to get over

Saturday, August 04, 2007

We Make 'em Tough

I'm no extreme sport fan but you just gotta give this guy, aussie Jake Brown, a hell of a lot of credit! Most of you have probably already seen it but I just had to share!


Edit - I can't stop watching this, it amazes me. But what makes me giggle is the commentator when Jake is still laying on the ramp motionless, "I can't believe he did a 720!" What he really meant was, "pfft the guy may be laying dead on the ramp after falling 40 or so feet, but at least he'll be in the record books for doing the first 720 in competition."

Thursday, August 02, 2007

It's All Good

I've procrastinated and dread but been doing anyway

Dared not believe the best option would happen

Became increasingly frustrated and annoyed

Stressed while convincing myself not to stress

Within just three hours the weight was lifted

That was yesterday, today nothing took it's place

Things just have a way of falling into place

Fuck it feels good!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

It all started with...

It all started with an insult!

Walking home from the shops this afternoon Little Boy looked at me and said "You look pregnant." and when I replied "you mean I look fat?" his only response then was "that's your words not mine!" Very diplomatic of him I know. Well the conversation then went from bad to worse as they tend to do in these situations while Little Boy persisted in telling me I "could" be pregnant and even as I insisted that I really wasn't nor could I be, the inevitable "why?" came out of his mouth.

"Cause..." was the first word out and I was very tempted, in true Mum fashion, just to leave it at that but thought better(?) of it and added "there'd need to be a father." Now I've always known that The Talk would come one day I guess I just hoped it wouldn't be any time soon. At the same time I'd much prefer he got his information from me in some way first, rather than on the playground at school or from his father!

This is when it got really awkward as Little Boy's first reaction was that his father could be it. I think I did very well not to burst into a tirade of swearing or just vomit. I managed to keep composure and just assure him that wasn't going to be the case, which opened me up to more questions of; "does it have to be the same father?" - "No." - "Does it have to be a different father?" - "No." at which point he stopped talking and took a moment to think things through. So I took the opportunity to try and squirm my way out of this (at least until we were home) without shrugging him off and told him I'd get out a book for him to read tonight.

I just couldn't stop myself though, I'm naturally a stirrer even when it comes to Little Boy. After his less than enthusiastic response to having to read a book on the vague subject I added; "it tells you all about sex!" there it was, the one little word I'd tried to avoid and it was now his turn to squirm!

He made various "ewww" noises and covered his face as he backed off the subject he'd unknowingly started. I was in full swing now, it was out I didn't care how many times I said it, sex sex sex. I asked if he knew what it was and initially he said yes but wasn't keen on telling me what it was. I tried going around it a little differently and asked him who had talked about it or what he'd seen that made him know what it was and he wasn't sure. So I tried another approach and asked him "who does it then?" expecting the standard answer of "a man and a woman" but never one to disappoint Little Boy instead almost instantly replied with "Homer!"

I eventually stopped laughing as Little Boy quite willingly told me of Marge and Homer having sex in an episode he's apparently "seen at least five times." (a sign of things to come?) Now I'm used to many things Little Boy sees being related back to things he's seen in The Simpsons and while I didn't expect this particular one I did use it to my advantage.

So, by the time we got home I had worked out that Little Boy was at least on the right track with sex, what it was and who did it. We walked in the driveway, the conversation well over, Little Boy dawdling along behind me muttering to himself as he very often does and I hear "S - E - X... S-E-X". Obviously I don't need to tell him how to spell it.

Within minutes of being inside he actually asked me for the book and he is currently behind me with his nose stuck in Where Did I Come From? and there's been a few little snickers and one loud burst of laughter, so far. Well it's as good a place as any to start...

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Was away for a week, now I'm not.

Tom hurt himself last night, but will let him blog that (was heaps funny though).

Now kinda a little bit drunk after his sis' 18th and my Little Boy gone for a while.

Blog properly later!!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Over there....

Ok so maybe I'm a little fickle...

With the Re-Style all up and running over at EFx2 and it being MUCH easier to use, which Keith always said it would be but I had serious doubts and other unrelated issues with the place, I'm going back there.

so is me again

Sorry for being a pain in the arse...

Monday, June 11, 2007

Random bits

I was going to blog tonight, but as is often the case I got sidetracked...

So instead I'll leave you with these two clips. The first is Joel Salom who I thought was pretty cool when i saw him on this show a few weeks ago (for the impatient among you just watch the last 2min or so). The second is The Umbilical Brothers, who I've loved for 15 or more years. Enjoy and hopefully I'll have something real to blog soon.

Oh and on a completely unrelated note, I thought it was a little wrong the other day when I heard the dueling banjos used on a kids show! You just can't help but get mental images...

I'm glad I stayed up 'til 5am this morning watching F1, was well worth it! Hamilton got his first win under his belt and Webber managed to finish!

Little Boy is not convinced we don't have faeries living in our microwave but he knows how to spell fuck properly now!

Goodnight folks

Friday, June 01, 2007

Live, I'm Not Dead!

Growing up music was always a part of my daily life. My tastes were always a little eclectic and bordered on "uncool" but I had enough pop likes to avoid complete humiliation from my peers. Living in Sydney during my pre-teen years I managed to see Roxette live on their Joyride tour as well as *cough*Vanilla Ice*cough* where even I was shocked by the fight over his dirty, sweaty, little towel. I also enjoyed more than a few live theatre shows, including the obligatory Phantom of the Opera and Rocky Horror Picture Show. Even when I moved down the coast I made an epic journey (2hrs in a taxi and another couple on the train) back up to Sydney in order to go to Madonna's Girlie Show. Maybe I took this all for granted.

As I got older I was a little pickier about what shows and concerts I went to, since I was now the one paying for them. Janet Jackson was my first concert as an "adult" I think. I enjoyed many different types of shows and concerts, I only ever walked out of one show and that was a little play that I don't remember the name of in a dodgy backalley theatre, no surprise. I'm among the first to be offered spare tickets to anything musical by my family, since chances are I will like whatever it happens to be. I saw UB40 and Bette Midler for free (I wouldn't have paid the price of the tickets anyway), because my Aunty couldn't use the tickets, but I was pleasantly surprised in both instances. I don't get to many concerts these days but if there's someone I really want to see I make it happen.

I am getting to a point somewhere here, I think...

A few weeks ago I was tossing up whether or not to get tickets to see Pink (my fascination/crush had been growing for weeks) when the new dates went on sale for her ever growing I'm Not Dead tour. My only concern was who I'd take with me as several people had already been and I didn't want to go with someone who didn't even like her nor did I want to go by myself. So the night before the tickets went on sale I decided to call my elder little sister and if she'd go then we both would. She said "yes" in a heartbeat and by 9.10 the next morning I had the tickets. It was only in those following days when I was getting excited text messages that I realised my darling little, 19yr old, country bumpkin sister had never been to a concert.

So sis arrived on Sunday and we spent most of the evening with Pink blaring from the stereo (not unusual for my place) and deciding what to wear. We'd basically been ordered to stay in the City on Monday after the concert by her (over-protective?) boyfriend and our (over-protective?) father, who didn't want us catching a train home at midnight. With Little Boy being taken care of by my older sis we headed in to the Motel (very conveniently owned by a family friend) by early afternoon on Monday. By the time we left to make our way to the concert venue to say we were excited would be an understatement. We skipped down the street, giggling and singing like a pair of schoolgirls. That was remedied five minutes later when we stood scratching our heads and lost. While my country bumpkin sis has an excuse I just have no sense of direction whatsoever.

We were back on track and at the venue just a few minutes past six and joined the back of the line. Long waits in line tend to take the thrill and excitement out of an occasion quite quickly; as do loud, drunk and rude lesbians standing behind you in said line. Eventually we made it inside and were told to sit down on the dancefloor and continue waiting. It was at this time that my country bumpkin virgin concert goer little sis realised that we were sitting a matter of metres away from where Pink would soon be standing and singing on stage. It dawned on her how close we'd be and the look of shock and awe that spread across her face was priceless!

When we stood and were even closer to the stage I think the wind changed, because a huge grin was plastered on my little sister's face from then on. We endured the support act and screamed with everyone else when Pink began. Pink is super fucking hot and one hell of a singer and entertainer, but I think it was being able to experience my little sister's very first concert that made the night that much better!

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Dodgy phone photo's of great performance!

Sunday, May 20, 2007


Okay so last night I caught the arse end of a doco on SBS called "My Penis and I". I thought it was pretty ballsy (for want of a better word) of this guy to do. A couple of things caught my attention. The fact that there's a support group for little dicked guys in Manhattan was one, followed by the fact that there is support groups for big cocked guys too which I happened upon after googling the former. I also enjoyed the bit about Cynthia Plaster Caster, now that's a hobby I could enjoy, especially since she's taken up casting tits as well. All in all it was an interesting doco, though not enough for me to change my thinking... size DOES matter!

Now the next penis related topic comes from my (still) favourite blog, "Desperately Seeking... Something?". The photos they find (from my understanding most come from Craigslist) over there never cease to amaze me. I thought some of these fellows might need a few tips. Not that I believe any of them will come here looking for them but any of you out there who are considering posting naked photos of yourself online in the hopes of finding women may want to consider a few points:-

1. Take off your fucking socks!!!!! I can not express this strongly enough!

2. If you are going to strip, do it properly! Either you're naked or you're not, don't leave your pants around your knees or ankles!

3. Any reference to your children should be well out of the picture, this includes but is not limited to teddy bears and bunk beds.

4. Comparing your cock to various items rarely works, so just don't go there. If your cock is of a reasonable size and girth we will be able to see that. Putting a lightbulb/lighter/battery/hairspray can etc next to it will do no justice!

5. The angle of your photo is important, I can't imagine any woman being turned on by a photo taken from your feet looking up...

6. If you have a small cock maybe you should leave your clothes on. Similarly if your dick is on the larger side there is no need to try to accentuate it even more by such things as a tape measure or pulling your shirt tight behind your back.

7. The bathroom is no place for photos! Posing over the sink/toilet is not a positive.

8. If you are going to stand naked in a photo, put yourself in the foreground and not so far back that it is necessary to squint... bathtubs and home gyms in the foreground do not impress.

9. If you choose to take your photo laying on a bed, clean up around you. The size of your dick won't compensate for the clothes on the floor or the piles of empty beer cans.

10. Take off your fucking socks!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Alcoholic Donuts

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Only shot I got of Trinder's Torana

So I spent all day yesterday at the drags, hoping for a win for my BIL but that wasn't to happen. Next on my hopes was lots of photos and fun with my camera, that didn't happen that much either. But the racing was entertaining so had a pretty good day anyway. The finals included a major crash, and let's face it half the thrill of motorsport comes from the crashes (mind you we never want anyone hurt!). The bloke was released from hospital late last night so it's all good and "That's racing!". Have a look at the video of it here.

Listening to the commentary throughout the day I did begin to question just what sort of people were at the track... The first quote that raised the question was about "Two of the best alcoholics around." and then a little later was this one, "Now might be a good time to shoot up" which was followed by quite a lengthy pause in which time Mum and I looked at each other and wondered what we should do instead, but then we heard, "to see the girls in our merchandise shop."

I also decided that I'd love to be a cameraman (camerawoman just doesn't have the same ring to it) for Speedweek. I could quite happily spend the entire day down on the startline, along the wall or at the end of the track with a camera on my shoulder as the cars roared past me. But then I decided I'd be sacked pretty quickly when the sponsors complained that the "pit girls" weren't getting any airtime.

Oh and we think the biggest money spinner of the day was the little food van which sold hot cinnamon donuts. One of the women we were with lined up for over half an hour in search of a few hot ones. Upon her return she passed around the bag and offered them to all, which prompted Drew's and my own need for more. I then had to line up for at least half an hour in which time I watched as the crowd surrounding every other food and merchandise outlets went running from their lines as the Top Alcohol cars had some anti-climactic drama on the start yet everyone stayed for the donuts!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Boring as bat shit...

...that's me I know, I've been told on numerous occasions.

I've had fleeting thoughts and ideas of something to write over the last week or so but none substantial enough to warrant an entry, and maybe I shouldn't have started this one either...

So I've noticed around and about the place (well was shown actually) this idea of "One Day Blog Silence" as some symbol for the victims at Virginia Tech and other victims of violence. With all due respect to the dead, injured and their families, this kind of struck me as odd and rather pointless. Seems to me part of the problem could be the silence of people to begin with. There are always warning signs in varying degrees and forms to these types of violent acts. Perhaps if more people paid attention to those around them and spoke up when something felt wrong, when someone was in need or if changes were necessary.. then some of the violence could possibly be averted.

Aside from that point, what is achieved by a bunch of bloggers not blogging for one day and are they really giving up that much? So okay those who post several times a day may get a little bored but c'mon who really cares if you blog today or wait until tomorrow? Wouldn't it be better to show your feelings by something more productive, like spending the day you're not blogging and going to donate blood which may just save the life of the next victim of violence. Or getting together and coming up with some realistic and reasonable reforms that may help stop these things from happening again and putting them forward to the powers that be. Now I'm not claiming to have any answers and I'm not putting my hand up to say what I do or don't do is any different or better than the next person, but this particular "trend" for today struck me as an attention seeking device for the individual blogger rather than something truly constructive or respectful.

The use of the line "Silence can say more than a thousand words" may have a small point, but then a thousand words is not much use anyway if it's all talk and no action. If you really want to make a statement or show respect, doing something that makes a difference doesn't have to be hard. Giving of yourself to those around you in ways big or small shows more compassion, respect and gratitude for life than sitting down and shutting up.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


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No one manages to make my skin crawl the way you do

You don't even have to "do" anything to do it

Which just makes it worse when you are a prick

Your voice alone makes me cringe and want to run away

Your finger pointing and mannerisms make me sick

Your words make me want to slap you just to shut you up

The damage you could do is real, unintentional as it may be

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Interview style Meme thingy

Well it's doing the rounds so I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon and asked Phil to supply me with some questions.

1. There is a great deal about you that's hidden from the rest of us in blog land. Why is that?

Well it's certainly not by design that I keep anything "hidden". For the most part I'm a very open person and almost nothing is off limits. I guess it just comes down to the way I write and the reasons I write. When I first started blogging it was purely an outlet for my frustration (hence the kinda morose name) and since it was for my benefit only there seemed no need to go into detail. My "torment" style of writing is totally emotion based and I was surprised when other people related to it at all. I've just continued to write for my own benefit and needs while enjoying the interaction from others.

2. With the first question in mind, what would all of us in blog world be most surprised to know about you?

Hmmm I've really had to think about this, I honestly have no clue what you'd be surprised to know. Maybe that I'm not as down and out as my blog sometimes seems. Most of my blogs are fleeting thoughts which pretty much go when I write. Or maybe you'd be surprised that I'm a bit of a tough Mum (apparently). Little Boy is my everything and I want to do the best I can by him, but in doing so I have been called a "mean Mum" by others, mostly my sisters.

3. The little boy is growing up and soon won't be so little. In what ways do you see him taking after you and in what ways can you see him taking after his father?

I don't notice too many ways he takes after me, I'm sure they're there I just don't see them. The only thing I can think of that he gets from me, or at least my family, is the whole thinking in numbers thing, where everything comes back to maths. On the other hand I see a hell of a lot of his father in him. The biggest one would have to be his temper, he sometimes has a very short fuse and flies off the handle totally out of proportion to the situation. His mannerism's also mirror his father's quite a bit, certain looks and ways he holds himself in different surrounds. While I don't often see myself in his mannerism's I do often see my father.

Then if you talk about interests and such I see both his father's and my own influences. He really had no chance when it came to a Motorsport fascination, mind you he has taken that ball and run laps around us. He's also very curious when it comes to nature and more so wildlife, I just hope that appreciation lasts as he grows up. He can be pretty vocal too, which is a bonus in my family since it can be a struggle to get a word in if you have to wait for a pause...

4. So when are you going to get yourself a man?

LOL who knows. It's taken me most of my life to come to the realisation that I don't NEED a man, so I'm in no rush. If you'd asked me 3,5 or even 10 years ago if I could even live without sex I'd have been terrified by the mere thought of it (and probably gone out and had a fuck just to get over the shock). Between 16-26 I was in and out of relationships, good and bad ones, and had never known what it was like to be on my own. I was of the belief that I had to have that someone beside me to make me feel right, well guess what... I don't. Now I'm going about my life the best way I can, for both myself and Little Boy, I don't feel like I'm missing something or need something from someone else to make it all okay. Which is not to say if I met someone interesting that I wouldn't pursue it...

5. Given your choice, who would you want to have a conversation with? Past or present, living or dead, anyone. And what would you talk about?

There's 2 people that come to mind straight away but neither very fun or exciting as far as answers go. The first would be my paternal Grandfather. The second would be a man I met briefly over 10yrs ago, I don't know his name. The conversations would be similar for both. It would be about what drove their actions, how they felt about themselves and the world around them. For my Grandfather, why his treatment of two children was so different to his other three kids.

Then just to lighten my mood after those conversations I'd like to sit down with Johnny Depp. The conversation could be about anything, I'm sure his thoughts on many subjects would be interesting to hear but I'd be quite happy just to sit and stare too.

So there you have it.

If anyone else has questions for me I'm happy to answer them or if anyone wants 5 questions from me just let me know.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Slade's Dirty Thirty

The Dirty Thirty(ish)

1) Favorite TV Show: Heroes at the moment

2) Favorite Type Of Music: ummm early 90's this week

3) What song are you listening to right now: none, TV is on so I'm listening to the revving of F1 engines, pretty much music to my ears anyway.

4) Favorite sexiest song: Hmm have to agree with Phil, you can't beat Marvin Gaye

5) Relationship status: Single

6) Best sex you ever had and with who: you know it's a shame that every boyfriend I've had gets beaten by one very good friend with great benefits.

7) Best date you ever been on: There's a few that are up there, the commonality being they were all very relaxed and ended after many hours of comfortable conversation.

8) Strangest place you ever had sex: This one depends on what you consider strange AND just what constitutes sex. There have been times where thngs have started before making it to more "normal" places. Others have begun and finished in outdoor/public'ish places but I don't consider them strange.

9) Best club you ever went to: No clear winner here maybe because I'm not so much of a club person, in recent years it's the gay clubs which I tend to enjoy most.

10) All time best night out you ever had: Started with a few drinks, then a great concert, more drinks and finished off with great sex (strange or not).

11) All time vacation spot: hmmm somewhere quiet, back to basics kinda stuff with fresh water to swim in. I don't care where.

12) Favorite book: umm today I'll say Misery - Stephen King

13) Favorite movie: another one that changes all the time so today I'll say Footloose (yeah very sad I know hehe)

14) Best romantic event that ever happened to you: since I've had to think bout this one for a little while now I'd have to say I've not been with any real romantics, there's been a couple of times I've been surprised by sweet gestures but nothing mind blowing.

15) Worst thing you ever did and NOT get caught: sheesh I'm boring, only thing i can think of is stealing as a teenager

16) Describe your best fantasy: I prefer to stay in the real world, most of the time...

17) Your luckiest moment: Christmas '03 when Little Boy got through a burst appendix.

18) To whom do you owe your life to: Little Boy, he has at times been my only reason for getting out of bed in the morning.

19) Who owes you their life: uhh no one I know of, I gave birth to one life but he doesn't "owe" me.

20) Best song to drive to late at night: I don't drive so meh

21) Favorite party song: one of many 70's-80's songs that are really bad until you have enough drinks in you (occasionally the drinks aren't necessary) when they suddenly become classics and worthy of singing at the top of your voice while dancing around.

(Okay so there is no 23, but there's two 28's and 29's so you get one extra and I'll leave the numbers as is anyway)

22) Best sex fantasy: Female

24) Song out right now that annoys the hell outta you: the one that comes from Ugly Betty (I think) ...*google pause*... "Suddenly I see" by KT Tunstall it annoys the fucking shit out of me!

25) Best one night stand: I had a few one nighters but none all that magnificent, ok maybe one was a little better than the rest but only 'cos he went all night, knew what he was doing (probably helped that we were sober) and had a really nice uhh body. Yeah ok he was much better than the others.

26) Greatest time in your life: 17-19 I'd left school, was working and making my own money which naturally meant party and then that time includes my pregnancy. I absolutely loved being pregnant.

27) Fantasy dream place to live: I can't imagine ever wanting to live outside of Aus and/or Sydney, so probably just a hell of a lot nicer house.

28) Fortune or fame: fortune

29) Looks or Intelligence: intelligence

28) Name three bloggers who you know you can depend on no matter what: Phil, Tom (but I'm not so sure he really counts), hmmmmm

29) Name three bloggers who's blogs are must reads: Bitzky, Ben, Squilla

30) Name three to six bloggers you would go partying with: I have a thing for guys with accents so probably the Moomin, FH and Phil for that entertainment factor and Dani, Squilla and Ben for a girls night.

Hope you all had a good Easter :-)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

It's getting hot in here...

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For most of my life I've been considered a "greeny" by a majority of my family and some friends. I've never thought of myself as such, even apart from the fact that in my experience "greeny" has become a dirty word over the last decade or so. I have always been aware of our environment, I've certainly always found the beauty in it and made some effort to do my part in protecting it.

From the age of about 9 I was the water police in our household, turning off dripping taps and berating the last known user for not being more careful. Turning the water off in the bathroom while whoever happened to be in there was brushing their teeth. It was also about this age when recycling became important to me. It didn't make sense to me NOT to recycle. Although from memory it took a few more years to get councils of the same thinking and I wasn't driven enough to make any attempts in changing that. Then of course I would also walk around the house switching off unnecessary lights, never quietly I always had to make it known that someone was wasting electricity by leaving it on for no reason.

None of this seemed extreme or unreasonable to me. If anything it was mere logic to minimise our impact on our planet, even if only a little in just our one household. We were being told, even then, about global warming and it simply made sense to me. It still does.

It amazes me that even today people are still debating whether global warming, climate change or whatever you want to call it, is even happening. It scares me that some politicians, notably our own PM, are yet to even acknowledge it as a real issue. Sceptics like to use the whole "it's a normal cycle" argument. That we have come so far as a civilisation in the last 100-150yrs, speaking technologically and population wise, it only follows (at least to me) that our impact on this planet would be greatly increased. Obviously, so has our knowledge of what kind of effect that has, and could have, on the planet and us as a whole.

I'm not trying to make some mind blowing point with this post. I simply felt a desire to share where my thinking lies on this particular issue after reading this opinion piece today (and some of the resulting comments). For those not wanting to click, it talks about the hypocrisy behind the actions of "candle-burning, compost-loving, carbon-eschewing contemporaries" and one Colin Beavan in particular. I also went over to Colin Beavan's website and blog and had a short look around. Again for those not wanting to click, he lives in a Manhattan apartment and has decided to spend a year living as "impact" free as possible. Which measn no cars, trains, planes, no shopping, only local foods etc etc. While I don't believe for a second that Colin has altruistic motives behind his "No Impact Man" changes and experimenting, I do give him credit for trying something. There may well be a lot of faults and hypocrisies in how he is going about things but he is among the first to admit that, from what I saw. He has gone from one extreme to another and invited the media along for the ride with the hopes of big financial gain at the end, but in the process he is finding his own balance of living well with as little impact on the planet as possible.

The original opinion piece also mentions Al Gore; "That said, I would be broke within a week if my household's energy consumption bill was anywhere near yours, which, at nearly 221,000kW/h last year, was 20 times greater than the average American family's.

Ever the politician, you refused to take the challenge to get that figure down to something approaching normal, ...."

While I'm not going to speculate on Al Gore's electricity bill (I'm actually pretty sure he'd have, at least in part, green power and buy offsets anyway) I will comment on An Inconvenient Truth. I only bought and watched this movie a few weeks ago and I will freely admit that before that I knew very little about Gore. Of course I knew he'd run for President and lost to Bush in 2000 and at the time I thought he would be the better man for the job, but that was just an uneducated instinct on my part. I watched the movie as a so-called believer and it still scared the hell out of me. The biggest thing I came away thinking about though, was just how different this world would be if that election in 2000 had gone the other way. I've since made Little Boy watch it and while most of it went over his head he did watch the projected images of where could go under water if Greenland was to melt and as he watched Shanghai go under he uttered in horror "but then there'd be no Shanghai race track!"

I've prattled on at length in this post with very little point so I'll wrap it up now. I guess my only point is that so many continue to believe that one person's changes will make no difference when it comes to global warming/climate change. I on the other hand choose to believe that if I make the changes I can and so do others then eventually politicians and those in positions of power will have no choice but to begin to make the changes that are really needed to make the big differences. So what am I doing? I'm in the process of switching to 100% green power through my energy supplier. I've already changed my light bulbs to the energy savers. I don't drive and although environmental reasons were not why I've not got a license and car before, they are a big part of the reason I will not now. I continue to recycle and conserve water. I feel like I'm doing my little bit to make a difference and I hope that it doesn't take too long for the big changes to come into play. If that makes me a greeny then I'm okay with that...

Sunday, March 18, 2007


So it's the end of the weekend and Sunday night is as good a time as any for a new (overdue) blog entry I guess. It just happens to be the first round of the new Formula 1 season which has me in the blogging mood.

(scroll down if you're bored already, I'll let you)

So much to talk about, albeit rhetorically in this form (especially since not many of you have all that much interest in the subject). Since the first round happens in Australia our TV coverage is a hell of a lot better than any other round, some would perhaps call it excessive, and with 18hrs (between Friday and Sunday) of coverage they may have a point. From my point of view it's all good. I enjoy the background stories on the rookies, the Friday practice sessions are even good now that the rules have changed and engines can be changed for those sessions. The qualifying on Saturday was great and even the support races get their place on the TV screens. Then of course comes the race...

We had 58laps of Albert Park run with NO safety car periods, that in itself is an accomplishment. While Michael may have retired we did still have the red car out front, this time driven by Kimi, and no one else coming close but I can live with that for now. Webber qualified surprisingly well in his new Red Bull drive but was yet again let down by his car, although he did manage to finish the race which is a step up from most of last years starts. The driver who most impressed me though was Hamilton, the 22yr old British rookie driving alongside Alonso in a McLaren. Not only did he qualify well, 4th on the grid, he managed to make the most of an ordinary start and pull himself into 2nd place in the first lap. He finished 3rd in the race after Alonso got past him as a result of the second pit stop. All of this in his debut F1 race is pretty bloody impressive no matter which way you look at it.

Not only was Hamilton good on track but he has a personality which can only be good for the sport, he doesn't mumble along in a monotone showing no emotion, he's determined and humble and just as a bonus he's kinda cute too. Stirling Moss even said that he(Hamilton) was the best thing to happen to F1 in the entire time he's been involved with the sport (50+yrs) a very big call. The moment of the race though, has to go to the coming together of DC and Wurz in turn three. After replays from various angles it was almost sickening to see how close DC's car got to Wurz's head, but they both walked away and DC even managed an apology and accepted total responsibilty for the incident.

Just before I finish on this topic, the most interesting bit of news to come out of the paddock over the weekend (at least in my view) came from Bernie Ecclestone. Bernie has said that as soon as next year we could have the Aus. GP occur under lights. He's very keen for a night race to happen "down under", here and in other southern rounds for a few reasons. The biggest of which is so that it's easier to watch from "the rest of the world". With TV audiences of around 300mill I guess I can understand him wanting the races to be held when the most people are actually awake. I just wonder if it goes both ways, perhaps one of the european races can be under lights too so that I don't have to stay up til 3am just to get my F1 fix.

Okay so that's it for the F1 from me today, don't worry AFL season starts soon and the V8 season is under way too, so it won't be all F1 for me to talk about!

On a completely different note, and one that you may actually have something to say on, what do you think of how it looks over here??? Took me a little while to work out how to play around but I got there and I think I like this look... I just don't know for how long...

I've caught up on all of your blogs, I know I've been quiet in my catching up but I'm sure I'll have more to say again soon.

Oh and last of all I just want to plug my new favourite read for a laugh! I would not recommended for children, men who're easily offended or anyone squeamish when it comes to male anatomy, everyone else have a look at Desperately Seeking...Something? but be warned (again) it does have some pics which may offend, occasionally turn your stomach or that are just WRONG. On the other hand it's fucking funny!

Keep Smiling folks ;-)

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

This and That

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Well being home has brought with it mixed emotions. On the one hand I'm glad to be back in my own domain with an indoor dunny that flushes, computer and net connection when I want it, my own CD collection and more than two channels on the TV. On the other hand I now have no river to jump in when it gets too hot, not nearly as many stars to look up at of a night, a shitload of domestic duties I can't bribe a younger sister to do and all the shopping that a new school year entails.

I left Dad's place with him happy in the knowledge that at least now ALL of his daughters can chop wood (no that's not how I broke my toe). Little Boy (who is growing tired, and out of, that title) has lost several of the fears he had on previous visits, but now I have the fear of the "postie bike" which will await his future visits. I'm more than a little grateful to have such a beautiful place to retreat to every now and then. Just take another look at that sunset...

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Back to Life, Back to Reality

We've reluctantly returned to the "real world" today

A slap in the face with the heat and now no river

Another slap in the face with the mountain of bills

A shitload to do before Little Boy returns to school

More to do before Little Boy's b'day in about 2weeks

Final slap with more than likely a move on the cards soon

The holiday is definitely over....

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Another Quickie

Well it feels like I've been away a week but it's only been a coupla days with still a week to go, maybe. I spent a couple of nights with sis and sussed out how she's going in her new house, interesting. Now I'm "up river" with fuck all to do and it's great. Little boy has been having fun, but now has no kids to help keep him occupied. We do have the river to keep us both happy and the weather has cooperated on that front. I managed to break a toe (I think) yesterday so I'm now limping around, cringing and complaining a bit. I think that's it in a nutshell. I'll catch up on all your blogs when I get home, hope all is well in everyone's little worlds. Keep Smiling! ;-)

Friday, January 12, 2007


I was in quite the blogging mood last night, but site was down which meant I instead annoyed Phil for a while with my incessant babbling. Today I'm running around like a headless chook trying to get everything done so I can get out of here just after lunch. So instead of a slightly humourous entry including tales of my looking like a fool on more than one occasion in the last few days, you get this very quick goodbye. I'm away for another week or so, this time we're heading south to visit the rest of my family.

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Keep Smiling folks! ;-)

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Older and Wiser?

Another year gone by with the end of a day

While spent pleasantly it seems a little insignificant

Perhaps I seem a little insignificant at the moment

Feeling stuck in between, of I don't know what

Enjoying the times kept busy, dreading time to think

Circling the emptiness of my own thoughts, clouded

But still many reasons to keep smiling...