Surviving the Days ... and the Weeks and the Torment.

Words I write don't necessarily make sense to you... I don't expect them to, maybe I don't even want them to... The thoughts are written fragmented and incomplete! I do not write for any form of external validation.. What you read may not have the same meaning as what I write... But do not underestimate the personal significance of my words! An essential part of who I am is only evident in my writing... It had been locked away after it was used against me... Everything you need, in order to hurt me, is right here!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Drugs, Sex and David Duchovny; What more could you want?

I've fallen (back) in love with David Duchovny. I've watched the first two episodes of Californication and it's my new favourite show! Before the first ep aired here I mentioned to Phil that I'd be watching it and he voiced his surprise that it was being shown on free-to-air TV here. Well a couple of weeks in and it certainly hasn't gone unnoticed. There was predictably a few people up in arms last week about the whole first scene with the "nun". I was a little surprised that it seemed to blow over relatively quickly.

Until this week anyway. The headline yesterday was "Drugs, sex and vomit prompt Californication boycott call". The article tells of "outraged family groups" who held a candlelight vigil outside the Channel 10 offices as the show aired on Monday night and also of the proposed boycott of not only the show but of the advertisers as well. The writer of this article also asks the question "Should TV script writers continue breaking taboos or should they pull their heads in and focus on less offensive material such as the US series of The Office?" I find the question humorous in itself purely because the original UK series of The Office was a shitload better than the US one. Anyway, the story has since generated 850+ comments, which is pretty impressive considering 3-400 is a lot for a good story on that site. From my reading I'd say a majority of those comments were defending the show and Channel 10.

I find it amusing and a little worrying that people can get so worked up about something they saw on a fictional TV show. I decided to share just a couple of those comments that opposed the show and offer my thoughts on them. Feel free to stop reading anytime now, this was an exercise for my own amusement and distraction...

"Ehat a disgaceful show. If you perverts want porn go and hire at the video shop. Normal people do not want this crap on TV

Posted by: rodger of Brisbane"

First of all let me say that "normal people" don't spell Roger with a d, Rodger. More importantly I'd say you need to get your rocks off a little more often and perhaps that could be done by investing in (or googling) better porn than you currently have. If Californication is your definition of porn than you are very obviously missing out on a lot! I didn't see one cock! Being more sexually (self)satisfied may also help in relaxing you a little.

"Im a boradminded 30 somthing, and I think this show is a disgrace. You cannot prevent children from watching fee to air TV and this sort of trash has no place on free to air TV. Channel seem to be on track to rival Channel 4 in the UK...nothing but soft porn, reality TV and nothing of substance. Australia is better than this.

Posted by: benny of perth"

Leaving your spelling and typing abilities alone and going straight to your parenting skills, or lack there of, I would suggest your children should be in bed at that time of night. Failing that I would secondly suggest no TV's in the child's bedroom. Failing both of those options I'd suggest you step the fuck up and PARENT your children. I certainly don't have a problem preventing my son from watching this or any other show on TV.

"the argument "obviously they forgot they can turn their tvs off" is a much-repeated but actually redundant argument. So, do we run shows showing women being abused, beaten, bashed, or the killing of children, then say "if u dont like it, dont watch it"? Surely we need some standards. You can say that till your blue in the face, but what about all the teens who have tvs in their bedrooms? can parents be everywhere at once? Saying "just turn the tv off" takes all responsibillity away from those charged with the responsibility of putting content on our tvs. In reality, it only makes the job harder for those who are trying to raise their kids to have decent morals, and for what? the pleasure of people who like getting free porn on free-to-air tv instead of having to suffer the humiliation of renting it out from the dvd store.

Posted by: anthony of perth"

I think you'll find the shows about women and children (and even men!) being abused, bashed and killed are Law & Order, CSI and various other shows I'm sure you've seen and not complained about. So the simple answer to your question would be "yes, on a nightly basis". Just like Californication they are fictional shows but they seem to cause no objection from the "family groups" and others like yourself. Parenting is up to you and instead of relying on others to monitor what your children do and don't see on TV how bout you take that responsibility upon yourself.

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