Surviving the Days ... and the Weeks and the Torment.

Words I write don't necessarily make sense to you... I don't expect them to, maybe I don't even want them to... The thoughts are written fragmented and incomplete! I do not write for any form of external validation.. What you read may not have the same meaning as what I write... But do not underestimate the personal significance of my words! An essential part of who I am is only evident in my writing... It had been locked away after it was used against me... Everything you need, in order to hurt me, is right here!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Give Up?

I've watched as it went from one new code to the other and sat here shaking my head in disbelief at those people who've jumped and:

* complained they didn't know the last move was coming (get your head out of your own arse and look at the font page of your beloved community once in a while); or

* complained and asked when they will get their old posts back, and let me clarify there is a difference between the complaining/expectation and appreciation that it could be possible but there's been a shit load of the former! (You should remember that there was a back-up function which was very easy to use once in a while. If you don't use it, then when your blog goes find another way to get your posts back if they are so important. But why are they only important once they're bloody gone? It's your content don't expect anyone else to get it back for you BUT if they DO, show some damn appreciation!); or

* instead of pointing out bugs in the completely new system some have grumbled "I can't do... A, B or C" ... "I can't scratch my own arse". (For a place that you keep choosing to stick with and have followed the recent problems and I assume you know it is a HOBBY for ONE man, how bout you show a little fucking patience and let the man do his thing and yeah it may not be in the first fucking day but hey you wanted to stay for the community right?)

There have been a lot of other things said too that have made my jaw drop and I've started to pity Keith for all that he must get privately as well as out in the public forums. Quite a few people have been just plain rude and selfish.

Now having said all that I have tried to be patient in waiting for my little problem (and anyone else's who uses a hotmail acc and doesn't want another fucking email addy to keep track of) of just getting into the site. One of Keith's first posts on the new code was about login issues and he posted this comment several days ago: "Even if you registered for WPMU before .. you need to register again for this new script. If you are having issues with getting the verification then please tell me what user name you registered with and I will get that verified for you." The very next comment is from me doing just that, and yet here I am almost a week later still waiting.

You know it wouldn't have bothered me too much because I'd already decided to stay here for the most part. Most of the blogs I read there have not gone registered or buddy only, I can still read and comment and all that so it wasn't bothering me. Until... Keith gets his little subscriptions working, which is all well and good for the community, but in the process it fucked up the feed for bloglines.

I've got enough shit to contend with offline I don't want to be wasting the little time I spend on here at this point. So if I don't get round to your blogs much don't take it personally. At the moment I've pretty much given up on it but when my life settles back in to some kind of normalcy I'll come back to it. For now I'm going to mirror my life on this blog and become a hermit of sorts, I just can't be bothered.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll still be looking out for you! :D Please come back soon. XXXXX

- Squilla