Surviving the Days ... and the Weeks and the Torment.

Words I write don't necessarily make sense to you... I don't expect them to, maybe I don't even want them to... The thoughts are written fragmented and incomplete! I do not write for any form of external validation.. What you read may not have the same meaning as what I write... But do not underestimate the personal significance of my words! An essential part of who I am is only evident in my writing... It had been locked away after it was used against me... Everything you need, in order to hurt me, is right here!

Sunday, April 02, 2006


My alarm came on this morning at six, surprisingly I got up

So much to do before thinking about getting ready for the day

Half-seven arrived and I decided it was late enough to call Mum

Who immediately informed me that daylight savings ended**

It's the first time I've ever hung washing on the line at 5.30am!

I was still running around like mad when it was time to leave...

The day was long but enjoyable, now there's only five days left!

*The title doesn't seem to fit the post, but it does it just may need explanation and I can't be bothered :-P
**Ordinarily I have that shit under control but 1) they changed the w/e because of the bloody Comm. games and 2) I had a flat out day yesterday and was, quite bluntly, completely fucked!

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