Surviving the Days ... and the Weeks and the Torment.

Words I write don't necessarily make sense to you... I don't expect them to, maybe I don't even want them to... The thoughts are written fragmented and incomplete! I do not write for any form of external validation.. What you read may not have the same meaning as what I write... But do not underestimate the personal significance of my words! An essential part of who I am is only evident in my writing... It had been locked away after it was used against me... Everything you need, in order to hurt me, is right here!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

*tap tap*

It's school holidays..

Actually that almost says it all..

I'm still watching you ;-)

Friday, April 14, 2006

Dolls and Nerds

So Psyphen finally got to me with all his talk about dolls. (Actually it got to me the other day but I forgot to save that one, hehe) So my latest effort is in my gallery getting lonely. While it may show very little resemblance to me it may (or may not) look like a version of me in some obscure parallel universe!

I just finished watching Nerds FC. I'm by no means a soccer fan, in fact I know almost nothing on the subject. It is a Friday night however, Good Friday at that, and as such there is fuck all on the TV but I'd heard about this. As it turns out it was a rather amusing little show. How can you not laugh at a bunch of nerds struggling to even make contact with a soccer ball as they run around attempting to play a game against the Young Matildas (Jr Aus girls team).

Thursday, April 13, 2006

I enjoy a challenge...

So logis put this challenge out to everyone. He also did it himself. I don't know if he realised just how quickly people would pick it up and run with it but they have. Dani did it with all her usual charms. So did Psyphen. I've also come across zarafa's, 2bpeegee's, EngieViral's and Broken-wings' entries. These are just those that I've found, I'm sure there's more and I know others are still working on theirs. I like that it's been done a couple of different ways and yet no one has come up empty.

Okay, so here's just a few of my positives...

The easiest positive I can say about me is that I spend each day being the best Mum I know how to be. My Little Boy is my world and I love being his mother. There is nothing I wouldn't give, do or sacrifice for his well-being.

My family is extremely important to me and I'm fairly close with both my parents and all of my siblings. I am always there for any of them and they all know that. I will do anything within my power to help and just as importantly I'm always honest with my opinions, I tell them when I think they've fucked up as well as when they've done good.

I'm a good friend to have. I'll answer any question honestly, even if it's not what you want to hear, but I won't hold it against you when you ignore me. I'll only judge you by actions towards me, anything else is just a part of who you are and I accept that.

I'm an even better enemy to have. I'll keep you on your toes and make feuding a hell of a lot of fun. I love being a real bitch.

I don't take myself too seriously either, but I guess that's just lucky ;-)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Young at Heart

After much deep and profound brain things inside my head... I've decided to do a quick movie quote entry. Quotes I love and on some level relate to, it is no coincidence they're from kids movies!

you're not supposed to name it. Once you name it, you start getting attached to it. Now put that thing back where it came from or so help me... Now speaking from my own experience, I've thought this a few times but in a completely different context..

Do we have to bring this crap along? I'm sure there's a bunch of other crap where we're going! I've thought that at some point every time I've moved house..

I just know, before this is over, I'm gonna need a whole lot of serious therapy. Look at my eye twitchin'. It's a good week if I don't think something along these lines at least once..

It's because I like you, I don't want to be with you. It's a complicated emotion. Now who hasn't tried that sort of line to let someone down easy..

So can you get all five? Answers (and therefore spoilers for the slow folks) in comments..

P.S Tom no need for you to comment, I know you know them all blah blah


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A Meme to Zzz to

A to Z Meme conveniently stolen from Libertine, Ben or Phil, for the sole purpose of moving that other entry down the page some...

Accent - I've noticed I even type like an Aussie sometimes, hehe

Booze - Bacardi & coke (a little too many it seems)

Chore I hate - washing dishes

Dog or cat - dogs :-(.

Essential Electronics - computer I guess

Favorite Perfume/Cologne - swaps and changes all the time, nothing too flowery

Gold or Silver - Silver

Home - Sydney, or close enough to

Insomnia - my favourite book by Stephen King

Job Title - child care some of the time and picking up the pieces of people's battered lives at other times (bloody unpaid though)

Kids - just the one

Living Arrangement - with my Little Boy

Most Admired Trait - uhh yeah right..

Number of Sexual Partners - none right now, but you already knew that

Overnight Hospital Stays - just two, once when I was pregnant and the other when I'd had enough of being pregnant.

Phobia - heights amongst others

Quote - Several of Einstein's quotes but my fave at the moment is "I have no particular talent. I am merely inquisitive."

Religion - meh

Siblings - 1 older bro, 1 older sis and 2 younger sis, all "half".. as if that matters.

Time I usually wake up - around 7am

Unusual Talent - picking up the pieces of people's battered lives?

Vegetable I refuse to eat - Pumpkin

Worst Habit - Procrastination

X-Rays - don't actually think I've had any..

Yummy Foods I Make - various warm salads or pastas

Zodiac sign - Capricorn

Sunday, April 09, 2006


This is a redback and ted combined post and soi fasr this is my perspective and i hate this fucking keyboardQ!!

I'm being told to write whatever is going thru my mind right noqw and leave itQ!@Except nothgin is going thru my mind excpt his fucking words!Q This keyboard is fiucked..

I'm feeling really old tonight since my neighbour is having his first "teenage/" party and getting drunk, we're out egging him on and it's wrong!

Tom's turn...

Redback here. Ted is being a foo. and I said LEAVE IT MOFO!!!!~


Conbined blog entries rock. I thinkg I need more sctoch though. Scotch is the drink of choice for me. YTAY! SCOTCH@!Y What:? someone is outside. Stime to fo. FDareewlll.

Friday, April 07, 2006

A Day or Two

The last 48hrs has been pretty full on

We had to say goodbye to the family dog

15yrs with us and now gone, for the best(?!)

I still haven't managed to tell Little Boy!

Chaos for 24hrs of Mum here, finalising

G'bye breakfast this morning with bro and sis

Mum (and P) drove off late this morning!

Little Boy has also developed an allergy

I think I've worked out what it is, I hope

He goes away for a weeks holiday this afternoon!

I think I'm going to have a drink tonight...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


I've spent most of the day on the verge of tears

And the rest in tears for a variety of reasons

I'm feeling rather drained at the moment

But I was thankful for a friends call earlier

So many things I wanted to get done today

Almost all put aside and still needing attention

As I began to type this I received a text..

Just the message I'd expect to end a fucked up day

Goodnight folks, I wish I could say tomorrow will be better

But I already know what is in store for me and mine..

Monday, April 03, 2006

Farewell (again)

I've started the clock.. 30min with a theme..

I spent yesterday with family and friends having a BBQ get together to say farewell to my Mum and her partner (the term boyfriend seems a little young, but that could be just me). Tomorrow at about 10am they will be pulling up in my driveway and parking their caravan in my front yard for their last 3 nights here. It has been a mad couple of weeks for them and as a result, for Little boy and me too.

Now there are several reasons I'm counting this down so eagerly. Of course I'm happy that my Mum's dreams of travelling the country are coming true for her. Of course I'm happy that she has finally found someone (initially online no less) that shares her dream and has helped to make it a reality. Of course I'm happy that, after this week, I will no longer have my mother living in walking distance of my house and feeling like I have her looking over my shoulder every day!

My relationship with my Mum is better now than it ever has been. We speak on an almost daily basis if not several times a day. There is a lot of laughter within our communication, quite a lot of which is at her expense and her "senior moments". But, there are still comments, looks and actions my mother makes which make me cringe like a scared child. I've never felt that what I do is enough for her. There has always been criticism both direct and indirect. As I've gotten older I've learnt to accept this as a part of who she is and I no longer bite. For the most part I don't let it get to me, but I've never quite been able to shake that watched feeling, she's always been just there. So, I think not seeing her for months (at least) at a time will do us the world of good (or me at least).

Then of course has been the added bonus of inheritance, without the death. I remember many times over the years, both my sister and I would "claim" something of Mum's as ours when she died. Little things for the most part. The inevitable condensing of Mum's entire life into a caravan has meant she's had to part with most of her material possessions. So int he last few weeks I've inherited all those items I'd claimed, I'm still finding places for them.

My Mum has always been a collector. She hated to throw things out, she may need them for something, sometime or she simply may have attached a memory to something. While I was down helping her to sort through the last few boxes of bits and pieces the other day, I held up two feathers and asked why she had them. As it turned out they were feathers from my Aunties chickens that Mum had picked up on a visit to my Aunties now old property. It broke her heart to tell me I could throw them out. Later, she asked me to go through a folder which was marked "TED" and see if there was anything I wanted out of it. I couldn't believe it when I opened it to find such treasures as torn off permission forms from when I was in year 10 in high school.

I got a phone call this morning, apparently Mum found another folder and this one was marked "TED Important!". Mum found both mine and Little Boy's borth certificates. I told her I much preferred blaming the ex for the "loss" of Little Boy's..

Well the timer has just gone off so I'll leave you with this little bit of conversation from the car ride to our BBQ yesterday...

Me: Don't worry, if any get in our way the cricket bat is in the back, I can always whack them over the head.. (I was referring to strangers, no one of importance)

Mum: (half giggling but honestly a little shocked) Oh Ted, you shouldn't be saying that in front of Drew.. (looks at Little Boy) should she?

Drew: NO! (turns to look at me rather seriously) you could break my cricket bat!


Sunday, April 02, 2006


My alarm came on this morning at six, surprisingly I got up

So much to do before thinking about getting ready for the day

Half-seven arrived and I decided it was late enough to call Mum

Who immediately informed me that daylight savings ended**

It's the first time I've ever hung washing on the line at 5.30am!

I was still running around like mad when it was time to leave...

The day was long but enjoyable, now there's only five days left!

*The title doesn't seem to fit the post, but it does it just may need explanation and I can't be bothered :-P
**Ordinarily I have that shit under control but 1) they changed the w/e because of the bloody Comm. games and 2) I had a flat out day yesterday and was, quite bluntly, completely fucked!