Surviving the Days ... and the Weeks and the Torment.

Words I write don't necessarily make sense to you... I don't expect them to, maybe I don't even want them to... The thoughts are written fragmented and incomplete! I do not write for any form of external validation.. What you read may not have the same meaning as what I write... But do not underestimate the personal significance of my words! An essential part of who I am is only evident in my writing... It had been locked away after it was used against me... Everything you need, in order to hurt me, is right here!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

In a nutshell..

Did you all miss me?*

I was going to start the clock but I'm skipping that step and just typing until I stop. I've been very slack around here and I apologise to all of you that I haven't managed to keep up to date with, I will get there.

Drew went back to school today and so I have a few hours (which should be full of many, many domestic and useful things) which I've spent sitting at the computer and on and off the phone.

My absence has been mostly (partly?) well spent time. Drew insisted on another visit to the Zoo during his holidays, so we spent the day there on Wednesday last week. I was reminded just how much I want a decent camera. We had Little Miss with us for a few days during the week, she's still cute. Saturday we spent at WSID, for a Test and Tune day, watching my bro in-law take his car out for the first full day. I was again reminded just how much I want a decent camera. Drew had a great day, but then it's hard not to with all the sights, sounds and smells of some great drag cars.

So that's basically it in a nutshell. I've been rather withdrawn for a week or two and I'm not completely sure of the reasoning. I'm trying to fill in the blanks in my own head but I'm missing a few pieces. Maybe everything will just go back to normal now..

* feel free to lie!

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