Surviving the Days ... and the Weeks and the Torment.

Words I write don't necessarily make sense to you... I don't expect them to, maybe I don't even want them to... The thoughts are written fragmented and incomplete! I do not write for any form of external validation.. What you read may not have the same meaning as what I write... But do not underestimate the personal significance of my words! An essential part of who I am is only evident in my writing... It had been locked away after it was used against me... Everything you need, in order to hurt me, is right here!

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Having Heart

Sometimes there are stories in the news which really hit you. They can break your heart and lift it, both in the same instant. These stories can take on a life of their own and grip a city or a nation. There are two such stories that touched me this week and you'd have to be pretty cold for them not to hit at least one heart string.

The story that has taken over our national news here in Aus. is that of the two miners in Tasmania. These men have been trapped 1km below the ground since 25th April. When the mine first collapsed three men were missing, it took four (maybe five) days for searchers to find a body. It was a horrible story and I don't think many expected any joy to come from it. A day later and the news broke that they had found the other two miners.. alive! That was a week ago and the men are still underground. Today began with yet another setback. Yet the miners have not lost spirit, how can you not feel for them..

The second story which hit me this week was that of little Sophie Delezio. Sophie is a five-year old girl who is no stranger to pain, or the media. In December 2003 she was at pre-school when a car crashed through the building and trapped her, and Molly Wood, underneath it before it burst into flames. All of Sydney, and Australia, felt for the girls and watched as they made their recovery and eventually left hospital. Sophie had burns to 90% of her body and yet it was her smile as she left the hospital which really hit home. Now you wouldn't think it could get much worse for little Sophie or her family.. On Friday afternoon Sophie was being pushed in her pram by her god-mother at a school crossing and was hit by a car. She was airlifted to the Childrens Hospital where she remains in ICU. This little girl has lived through more pain than anyone should in five lifetimes..

Strength of character and spirit doesn't just come with age and experience. The smallest of little girls and the toughest of men can show it in equal quantity. They can also bring out the humanity and heart of millions of others.

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