While I Was Out
So yeah I've been forced back to here. Design won't be fixed for a few weeks, I can't be bothered spending the time on it at the moment.
While I was away from here I didn't pay any attention at all so upon my return I had a quick look at my stats page. It was a little scary to see where some people had come from to land their little butts here. Just a few search examples:-
* alcoholic donuts (ok not so strange yet)
* how to break stubborn streak in little boy (hmm i'm not so big on "breaking" your kid but ok not too bad)
* small cock support group (just because I mentioned it doesn't mean my blog will be of any use for those actually looking for a group, so why would you click to here?)
* my life lady sweety (this one is kind of sad. Many people are finding their lovers online but most of them use dating sites, this poor sod was trying to google her out of the abyss)
* visine on cock ( my apologies to the lovely LV I think you somehow got caught in the crossfire)
* little dicked grandfather humiliation (wtf? I don't know if this was the grandfather or the grandson but either way how the hell did I make the cut? I even opened the search to try to answer this question and after 10pages hadn't found the answer or me)
* what should be the reasonable size of penis to fuck properly (by now I'm starting to see a pattern and for someone who hasn't had any cock in a couple of years now it is slightly worrying. In answer to the search (in case it's repeated) if you have to google it chances are you're not quite there)
* little dicked bears (this is my personal favourite I must say and I'm not going to even try to work it out)
I'll just have to see if I can improve on these in the future.
Damn, those are some statistics!
Um, yeah, sorry about being linked to your stat page. LOL!! WTF, are you getting into sex therapy now? And please explain, not that it was YOUR idea, why visine on the cock?? That was a new one.
Hope Blogger treats you well.
OMG! That link had me crackin' up & bigtime!!! As if that were even related to me... lol!
Glad you came by my new blog here. Gotcha linked there now, so I don't lose you. :D Now, to learn more ropes around the new digs.
hi there!
PHEW! So glad to have not lost everyone! Will be back to catch up on the news properly as soon as I possibly can. :D XXXXX
Thanks for the subscribe link!
Oh wow.... Makes me worry to check what people are googling for when they stumble upon my moomin blogs o.O
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