Today's blog brought to you by the letter T...
I put my hand up for a meme at Bitzky's place it was harder than I thought it'd be but here it is...
How this memetic works is that you leave a comment on this post, and I’ll assign you a letter. Then you write about ten things you love that begin with your assigned letter, and post it at your place. When people comment on your list, you give them a letter, and the chain continues on and on.
I was assigned the letter T, "love" might be too strong a word for some of these but they are definitely a part of my life every day...
Time, most often I'd love to have more of this (like when my alarm goes off in the morning after the third snooze and I realise if I hit that button just one more time there's a whole chain reaction that will have me out of whack and out of time for the rest of the day) and yet there are some times when enough is enough (like when you get a call 5min before the end of your shift at work and it then takes 15min to get that person off the phone but by the time you realised it was one of "those" calls there's not a damn thing you can do about it, or about getting yourself 10min closer to the train station).
Talking, yes I'm a woman of course I love to talk but I also love to listen to other people talking. Playing a game with Little Boy that informed us; the average guy speaks just 2000 words per day whereas the average woman speaks 7000, I have a very competitive nature but I think it's safe (and fair) to say that I perform well above average in this field. I'll talk to almost anyone and if no one wants/is around to listen I'll settle for talking to myself.
Telephones, they go hand in hand with talking. I learnt another little fact (this one courtesy of Libra, TMI I know but too bad) that the average person will spend a total of two years of their life on the phone. Again I'm pretty sure I sit well above average on this one since I spend my working hours constantly on the phone and then there's the several calls a week (day?) to either one of my sister's or my mum, let alone everyone else.
Tapping, I can't help it I tap my fingers or feet almost constantly, whether there's music or not or whether I'm actually bored or not. Perhaps I'm a touch OCD with a dash of ADD thrown in (there are other signs too) for good measure. I also find myself typing (which I'm calling a form of tapping) in time to music if it is on.
Two, Ten and Thirteen, plain old numbers and yet they play a part in my everyday. I count a lot of things in my head throughout the day and while it may not be a continuous count I will usually finish it to the nearest ten if possible. I also have a thing with even numbers, I have to have anything with a volume control on a number divisible by 2. Which can become annoying at night when everything seems so loud and the TV is too loud on 4 and too quiet on two, I only sometimes make exceptions. As for thirteen, it's an odd number and it's a prime number, it doesn't fit with either of the above or their reasoning and yet I like it, go figure! (is all this just another OCD sign?)
Thoughtfulness, it can be a rare thing to see these days but it really touches me when someone truly has thought about what they are doing and are just being nice! Something as simple as a colleague at work grabbing me a can of coke on their break is much appreciated. Or it could be Little Boy who one night went to bed with the feeling he'd forgotten something but was unable to remember what it was... until about 5am when he thoughtfully woke me up to tell me he'd remembered what it was he'd forgotten to do and that as a result he'd been out the back to collect his toy car.
Teasing, in a playful way of course. I can't help but tease people especially the really gullible (some might say I'm a smart-arse or even a bitch at times). I had Little Boy almost convinced that invisible power lines were being trialled beside the train line not too far from here and I've threatened to dress as a clown and pick him up from school smothering him with kisses and cuddles (he was intrigued by the first but not too phased by the idea of the latter). I jump on (Freudian) slips of the tongue and I endlessly pay out anyone who makes a public fool of themselves (mostly my 19yr old sis who has made it a habit to get obscenely drunk and embarrass herself).
My last doesn't start with T but it has three of them in it...
On Top - Eternal Erection, the best $5 CD I've ever bought and if I'd known how good they were I definitely would have paid more. As it was I bought it purely for the name of the group but it quickly became one of my all time fave cd's. They're from Finland and they even look cool! Mind you I was a little hesitant walking up to the young guy in JB asking if they had any eternal erection... it took him several seconds of smothering an emerging grin and gaining a voice before he asked me "sorry, what?". or they're worth the look!
Whoa! I started laughing at that last item until I figured out that it was about a CD :D
In any case, thanks and well done :)
Alright, give me a letter.
Okay Phil you can have an L :-)
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