Surviving the Days ... and the Weeks and the Torment.

Words I write don't necessarily make sense to you... I don't expect them to, maybe I don't even want them to... The thoughts are written fragmented and incomplete! I do not write for any form of external validation.. What you read may not have the same meaning as what I write... But do not underestimate the personal significance of my words! An essential part of who I am is only evident in my writing... It had been locked away after it was used against me... Everything you need, in order to hurt me, is right here!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Another year goes by...

Okay so 2008 was the year of the bad blog mojo and I'm hoping 2009 is a little different. It's already half-way through January but I'm going to start the new blog year out with a wrap up of the last... (in point form 'cause mojo still absent, baby steps! ;-) )

* So I started the year out in a relatively new home for me and then I finished the year moving again. Still in same general sort of area but instead of a walk to school for the boy it's a coupla buses. I really like this new house and paying the extra $50 or so a week has been worth it.

* Halfway through 2008 I decided to give up looking after other people's kids and go out and get a "real" job that pays more. As it turned out I got the first job I interviewed for, which was good because I realllly wanted it. I've always worked for myself or in relatively small businesses/offices in the past so being a lowly pleb for a multinational is interesting. (and it came in handy when I was forced at short notice to look for a new rental and pay more for it, as I mentioned above)

* Little Boy has handled the changes really well and is growing up so quickly before my eyes every day. It's scary to think that in one more short year he will be off to high school!

* 2008 was also the year of the baby, I welcomed a niece in April and a nephew in October and Little Boy welcomed a sister in July. More news of babies on the way for this year too with my brother expecting his second child and Little Boy expecting twin brothers (yes, LB's father and his gf are mad! She fell pregnant a mere 6weeks after having her first bub). For me it's been a chance to see what motherhood does for two of my sisters, as well as enjoy the pleasure of babies and the joy of being able to hand them back!

* At the beginning of 2008 I got to see some of Tassie with my Mum and I had hoped to see the Northern Territory with my father but had to postpone that trip and ultimately cancel it since Dad and his wife are on the move again and have left the desert.

* For most of the year I've also had the new experience of living with my youngest sister (only other time I've lived with her she was only a toddler). I'm pleased to say that as yet we STILL have not had any sort of fight, maybe her spending two months in Europe and away helped in that matter though...

* In November my brother married his gf of 2-3 years and they told us their baby news. I'm sad to say this didn't evoke the joy and excitement in me that I'd have hoped for. Basically the entire year has been a growing apart time for us and I'm at the point where I care less and less. I predict that there will be pretty much no contact with him within 6-9months.

So that's the main thing's I think I'll remember bout the past year. I generally don't make New Years Resolutions but decided this year there was a few things that I wanted to make a point of doing...

1. Blog more here, purely for my own benefit of getting the writing happening again and to have things down in words to be able to look back on.

2. Make MUCH more effort to see/speak to a couple of friends I hardly saw in the last year.

and 3. Keep the relationships with all of my sisters and my Mum as strong if not stronger than they are now, and enjoy as much time as possible with my new niece and nephew.

That's pretty much it, I'm enjoying where I'm at and I intend to keep doing so!

Apologies for boring you (if anyone's out there still) to tears... but get used to it, apparently I'll be doing it more often!


Anonymous said...

High school already?! I think you should re-name him NSLB (not-so-little-boy).

There aren't enough babies in the world for me, I'm ready for grandbabies now. I am fully prepared to wait a few years but I'm ready when he is :)

I'm glad to see you blogging again, and you never bore me. Welcome back Ted <3

Moomin said...

Woohoo! You are blogging again! Looking forward to more posts :)

Sounds like an eventful year, and your plans for 2009 are identical to mine. Also congrats for the new job! At least you didn't end up as a tax agent ;)

Unknown said...

Wow did I read that wrong. When you said the Boy got a sister, I thought you were keeping HUGE news from us.

Ted said...

lol Phil, yeah I get the weirdest looks when I tell people he's getting twin brothers too... Especially since I tend to be laughing while telling them!