The Gifting Meme
For those who read Ben's blog you may remember her posting about receiving her gift a little while ago and asking for three bloggers wanting to join the fun. I put my hand up and early last week (yeah I've been slow and slack!) I received my package from Ben and had so much fun opening it and going through all the little bits and pieces.
It arrived on a day that had been terrible from the moment I got out of bed. By late afternoon I was ready to tear shreds off the next person I came into contact with so when I heard the knock on the door I was worried. As it turned out I was probably lucky I didn't reach for the jugular straight away as the very nice postman handed me my package from Ben. I actually sent a curious Little Boy to his room so that I could take pleasure in opening it without the constant chatter. As I pulled the little bags out of the package and saw one specifically for Little Boy I put it to the side for him to open himself. He was so surprised and happy to be included, he couldn't get over the fact that he'd got a present from someone on the other side of the world who he'd never met. It was such a great lift for my entire day and week!
So now it's my turn, here's the deal folks I will send packages to the first three of you to leave me a message and who promise to pay it forward as well. You don't have to spend big, you just have to be willing to send a little fun to three of your blog friends when it comes your turn. I'll need postal addresses so send me an email to if you're interested!
Now let's just hope there's still three of you out there...