Surviving the Days ... and the Weeks and the Torment.

Words I write don't necessarily make sense to you... I don't expect them to, maybe I don't even want them to... The thoughts are written fragmented and incomplete! I do not write for any form of external validation.. What you read may not have the same meaning as what I write... But do not underestimate the personal significance of my words! An essential part of who I am is only evident in my writing... It had been locked away after it was used against me... Everything you need, in order to hurt me, is right here!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Slade's Dirty Thirty

The Dirty Thirty(ish)

1) Favorite TV Show: Heroes at the moment

2) Favorite Type Of Music: ummm early 90's this week

3) What song are you listening to right now: none, TV is on so I'm listening to the revving of F1 engines, pretty much music to my ears anyway.

4) Favorite sexiest song: Hmm have to agree with Phil, you can't beat Marvin Gaye

5) Relationship status: Single

6) Best sex you ever had and with who: you know it's a shame that every boyfriend I've had gets beaten by one very good friend with great benefits.

7) Best date you ever been on: There's a few that are up there, the commonality being they were all very relaxed and ended after many hours of comfortable conversation.

8) Strangest place you ever had sex: This one depends on what you consider strange AND just what constitutes sex. There have been times where thngs have started before making it to more "normal" places. Others have begun and finished in outdoor/public'ish places but I don't consider them strange.

9) Best club you ever went to: No clear winner here maybe because I'm not so much of a club person, in recent years it's the gay clubs which I tend to enjoy most.

10) All time best night out you ever had: Started with a few drinks, then a great concert, more drinks and finished off with great sex (strange or not).

11) All time vacation spot: hmmm somewhere quiet, back to basics kinda stuff with fresh water to swim in. I don't care where.

12) Favorite book: umm today I'll say Misery - Stephen King

13) Favorite movie: another one that changes all the time so today I'll say Footloose (yeah very sad I know hehe)

14) Best romantic event that ever happened to you: since I've had to think bout this one for a little while now I'd have to say I've not been with any real romantics, there's been a couple of times I've been surprised by sweet gestures but nothing mind blowing.

15) Worst thing you ever did and NOT get caught: sheesh I'm boring, only thing i can think of is stealing as a teenager

16) Describe your best fantasy: I prefer to stay in the real world, most of the time...

17) Your luckiest moment: Christmas '03 when Little Boy got through a burst appendix.

18) To whom do you owe your life to: Little Boy, he has at times been my only reason for getting out of bed in the morning.

19) Who owes you their life: uhh no one I know of, I gave birth to one life but he doesn't "owe" me.

20) Best song to drive to late at night: I don't drive so meh

21) Favorite party song: one of many 70's-80's songs that are really bad until you have enough drinks in you (occasionally the drinks aren't necessary) when they suddenly become classics and worthy of singing at the top of your voice while dancing around.

(Okay so there is no 23, but there's two 28's and 29's so you get one extra and I'll leave the numbers as is anyway)

22) Best sex fantasy: Female

24) Song out right now that annoys the hell outta you: the one that comes from Ugly Betty (I think) ...*google pause*... "Suddenly I see" by KT Tunstall it annoys the fucking shit out of me!

25) Best one night stand: I had a few one nighters but none all that magnificent, ok maybe one was a little better than the rest but only 'cos he went all night, knew what he was doing (probably helped that we were sober) and had a really nice uhh body. Yeah ok he was much better than the others.

26) Greatest time in your life: 17-19 I'd left school, was working and making my own money which naturally meant party and then that time includes my pregnancy. I absolutely loved being pregnant.

27) Fantasy dream place to live: I can't imagine ever wanting to live outside of Aus and/or Sydney, so probably just a hell of a lot nicer house.

28) Fortune or fame: fortune

29) Looks or Intelligence: intelligence

28) Name three bloggers who you know you can depend on no matter what: Phil, Tom (but I'm not so sure he really counts), hmmmmm

29) Name three bloggers who's blogs are must reads: Bitzky, Ben, Squilla

30) Name three to six bloggers you would go partying with: I have a thing for guys with accents so probably the Moomin, FH and Phil for that entertainment factor and Dani, Squilla and Ben for a girls night.

Hope you all had a good Easter :-)


Unknown said...

Sheesh, don't trouble yourself with giving us DETAILS!!!

Moomin said...

Wow, thanks for including me in the list! Yeah, despite watching Little Britain and The Office for hours I'm afraid that I've still retained some Eastern European accent ;)

Anonymous said...

Heroes is by far the best thing on TV these days, and maybe ever.
You can count on me baby...and we should work on that girl's night...or better yet you should all come to chick weekend!

Anonymous said...

I will not ask what those great benefits of that friend are, i probably would get a complex of some sort. :)

FindingHeart said...

Wow, a person learns about someone with a list like that. Torturing myself now, but I'm a visual guy. What about #22 again?? ;)

Anonymous said...

If I was only still blogging...

Anonymous said...

Nothin' wrong with Footloose! Hehe. :D