Surviving the Days ... and the Weeks and the Torment.

Words I write don't necessarily make sense to you... I don't expect them to, maybe I don't even want them to... The thoughts are written fragmented and incomplete! I do not write for any form of external validation.. What you read may not have the same meaning as what I write... But do not underestimate the personal significance of my words! An essential part of who I am is only evident in my writing... It had been locked away after it was used against me... Everything you need, in order to hurt me, is right here!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Interview style Meme thingy

Well it's doing the rounds so I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon and asked Phil to supply me with some questions.

1. There is a great deal about you that's hidden from the rest of us in blog land. Why is that?

Well it's certainly not by design that I keep anything "hidden". For the most part I'm a very open person and almost nothing is off limits. I guess it just comes down to the way I write and the reasons I write. When I first started blogging it was purely an outlet for my frustration (hence the kinda morose name) and since it was for my benefit only there seemed no need to go into detail. My "torment" style of writing is totally emotion based and I was surprised when other people related to it at all. I've just continued to write for my own benefit and needs while enjoying the interaction from others.

2. With the first question in mind, what would all of us in blog world be most surprised to know about you?

Hmmm I've really had to think about this, I honestly have no clue what you'd be surprised to know. Maybe that I'm not as down and out as my blog sometimes seems. Most of my blogs are fleeting thoughts which pretty much go when I write. Or maybe you'd be surprised that I'm a bit of a tough Mum (apparently). Little Boy is my everything and I want to do the best I can by him, but in doing so I have been called a "mean Mum" by others, mostly my sisters.

3. The little boy is growing up and soon won't be so little. In what ways do you see him taking after you and in what ways can you see him taking after his father?

I don't notice too many ways he takes after me, I'm sure they're there I just don't see them. The only thing I can think of that he gets from me, or at least my family, is the whole thinking in numbers thing, where everything comes back to maths. On the other hand I see a hell of a lot of his father in him. The biggest one would have to be his temper, he sometimes has a very short fuse and flies off the handle totally out of proportion to the situation. His mannerism's also mirror his father's quite a bit, certain looks and ways he holds himself in different surrounds. While I don't often see myself in his mannerism's I do often see my father.

Then if you talk about interests and such I see both his father's and my own influences. He really had no chance when it came to a Motorsport fascination, mind you he has taken that ball and run laps around us. He's also very curious when it comes to nature and more so wildlife, I just hope that appreciation lasts as he grows up. He can be pretty vocal too, which is a bonus in my family since it can be a struggle to get a word in if you have to wait for a pause...

4. So when are you going to get yourself a man?

LOL who knows. It's taken me most of my life to come to the realisation that I don't NEED a man, so I'm in no rush. If you'd asked me 3,5 or even 10 years ago if I could even live without sex I'd have been terrified by the mere thought of it (and probably gone out and had a fuck just to get over the shock). Between 16-26 I was in and out of relationships, good and bad ones, and had never known what it was like to be on my own. I was of the belief that I had to have that someone beside me to make me feel right, well guess what... I don't. Now I'm going about my life the best way I can, for both myself and Little Boy, I don't feel like I'm missing something or need something from someone else to make it all okay. Which is not to say if I met someone interesting that I wouldn't pursue it...

5. Given your choice, who would you want to have a conversation with? Past or present, living or dead, anyone. And what would you talk about?

There's 2 people that come to mind straight away but neither very fun or exciting as far as answers go. The first would be my paternal Grandfather. The second would be a man I met briefly over 10yrs ago, I don't know his name. The conversations would be similar for both. It would be about what drove their actions, how they felt about themselves and the world around them. For my Grandfather, why his treatment of two children was so different to his other three kids.

Then just to lighten my mood after those conversations I'd like to sit down with Johnny Depp. The conversation could be about anything, I'm sure his thoughts on many subjects would be interesting to hear but I'd be quite happy just to sit and stare too.

So there you have it.

If anyone else has questions for me I'm happy to answer them or if anyone wants 5 questions from me just let me know.


Unknown said...


answer 4 surprised me :P

you? not be able to live without sex? no way!

Unknown said...

You're right, I never would have pictured you as a hard ass mum.

I'm sure your celibacy will catch up to you soon. But be strong (or some other motivational saying)

Anonymous said...

I never pictured you as Tough Mum either. A good Mum definitely -it is so easy to see how much you love Little Boy. I am sure you give him all the rope he needs (but not enough to hang himself while he is still young).

Its funny because I was just reading an article today about how, in a lot of families in the UK, the children are deferred to by the parents (even in life-altering decisions - eg. "Little Junior doesn't want to move to Spain/go to that school/some such thing"). It struck me as so odd. Kids need to be 'parented' at least a bit - if only to give them something to test rebellion against when the terrible teens arrive. :D

Great interview Ted. :D XXX

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing this interview!

FindingHeart said...

I'm just getting a kick out of sitting on my barstool listening to everyone here say, "mum". LOL. Lord how I want to see the country and the people down there.

Great post sister!

Moomin said...

These interviews are great! You really learn new things about people :)

Ted the Super Mom! :D