So this is Little Boy, like you needed to be told. This was taken a couple of years ago, three to be exact, but it's still one of my fave pics.
This little challenge I gave myself started out a hell of a lot better than I expected. It was all going well, until yesterday. I had full intentions of putting up some sort of entry but I got carried away going through and sorting old photos on all the unmarked CD's I had around my desk. Then I fell asleep before I could come back to write.
After five days straight of rain, today the sun came out, or at least tried to. I was quite thankful for that. I don't mind the rain, or the mud or even the dark, clouded days but it gets a little boring after a while. I can't even really complain about it without feeling little pangs of guilt. Having been in drought for so long and in dire need of rain it seems a little wrong to then whinge that things are too wet. I'm hoping the sun stays out tomorrow long enough for me to get washing done.
Having had more rain then we usually have for the entire month it was more than a little slushy. Dear, gorgeous, Little Boy reluctantly (is there any other way?) went off to school,
without his soccer ball on my request. I got a phone call at lunch time. It seems it didn't matter if he had the ball or not, he still ended up covered top to toe in mud after slipping. Ordinarily it wouldn't bother me too much, after all what's a bit of washing. But he did the exact same thing yesterday afternoon at home, as we were rushing out the door already late! He came very close to getting a crash course in doing his own laundry.
The other major downside to all this rain was that I didn't get to go out and take photos as I'd planned on the weekend. I really want to play with my camera more, maybe even learn how to use it properly.
Okay I've done my obligatory blog post, boring and pointless as it may be, it is done. I figure I'm still on track since I did two in one day the other day, so yesterday's was covered..
Keep Smiling Folks ;-)