Surviving the Days ... and the Weeks and the Torment.

Words I write don't necessarily make sense to you... I don't expect them to, maybe I don't even want them to... The thoughts are written fragmented and incomplete! I do not write for any form of external validation.. What you read may not have the same meaning as what I write... But do not underestimate the personal significance of my words! An essential part of who I am is only evident in my writing... It had been locked away after it was used against me... Everything you need, in order to hurt me, is right here!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

An Admission

Hello my name is Ted and I am a scrabble-a-holic.

The last game I played ended 9hrs and 46min ago.

I have come to the conclusion that since my blogging has basically come to a standstill, I've had to replace it with another outlet for words and this has come in the form of scrabble (Yes, it sounds just as ridiculous to me). It has also given my overly competitive and cocky side an outlet. The more I win, the more I want to play.

Just like a sex addict I'm not picky about who my fix comes from, I don't even have to know their name. As long as I'm getting it hard and fast, with the occasional slow, tension building fix in between, I don't care. You don't even have to respect me afterwards. On further thought perhaps this new addiction is a replacement for sex.

Even when I'm not playing I find myself working out prospective scores if used on double or triple word squares. The ever elusive (70pts right there*) seven letter words plague my waking(28) and sleeping(72) thoughts.

I've also moved into the realm(14) of "dealing", introducing my mother to the offending site a few weeks ago. I was of the belief that as she used to beat me playing old school scrabble on a board, that she may be a worthy opponent. I've since realised I was very much mistaken, it is now painful(74) to play against her and watch her give away triples, among other offences, repeatedly.

The positive(76) side of this is that I'm constantly increasing my vocabulary. Being of a curious nature I often find myself checking the meanings of words allowed which, until then, I'd never heard of. I must admit I know more words than I know meanings as most of the time I'm simply more interested in remembering them for my next game. I would never have known that words such as zo, zoon, zooid and zoonic existed(80) and were all to do with animals, or that a dzo is a hybrid of a yak and a cow.

I do not plan on giving up any time soon, and I guess if it has allowed me to write this entry (sad as it may be), which is the most I've written in one go in literally months, then it can't be all bad.

Oh and Ben if you're not already a member of the ISC, may I suggest you become one. I figured I could play you for your usual stakes of sexual favours, just in my case you could pay up to (or collect from) Heiny and he could thank me later.

*This score and subsequent scores are based on a double word square being used and take into account the 50pt bonus for all tiles being used, but do not take into account any secondary words

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Plodding Along

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Some would assume my silence indicates a life

I can assure you that is not the case

I'm still travelling the same old path

Thursday, August 03, 2006

I'm not getting any, but...

Ok everyone else is doing these, I did the first one back at the other place so I'm just reposting it... I never got around to the second one so here it is now..

I have had sex while wearing a blindfold.
I have blindfolded someone else during sex.
I have had sex while watching porn.

I have had sex while surfing porn on the Internet.
I sleep better after sex.
There are some nights I cannot sleep without sex or masturbating.
The bed is NOT my most favorite place to have sex.

I am turned on knowing someone is watching me masturbate.
I have masturbated for someone over a web cam.
I have had sex over a web cam.
I will have sex with someone I just met if they turn me on. have done in the past, don't think I would now but I never say never ;-)
I have been tied up during sex.
I have had sex with someone who was tied up.
I have dripped wax onto a lover's body.

I have had a lover drip wax onto my body.
I have a foot fetish.
I have a leather fetish.
I have a tickle fetish.
I like being choked during sex.
I have had sex in a burning building. (wtf???)
I have erotic art on display somewhere in my residence.
I enjoy nudie magazines. sometimes, but not enough to go out and buy them
Erotic toys are a regular part of my budget.
I think PLAYBOY is tame, maybe even boring.
I have clicked on porn links in my email.
I know the difference between girl/girl and lesbian sex in porn.

I have watched more than one gay/lesbian porn video.
Much of what I know about sex comes from porn.
Interracial sex turns me on.
I think we should do more to understand the cultures of sex.
I would participate in sex research given the opportunity.
My current lover does not sufficiently meet my sexual needs. since my only current lover is myself I'm definitely not happy! (that's what I said 8months ago, my lover hasn't changed but i'm a little more content now)
I currently have a "crush" on someone of the same sex.
I have had sex at my place of employment.
I am often disappointed in my sexual relationships.
Some people might describe me as a nymphomaniac. They have, if only they could see me now
I am difficult to live with if I'm not having sex on a regular basis. (again that's what I said 8months ago, now I just believe I'm always difficult to live with, nothing to do with sex)
I sleep better with someone snuggled up next to me.
I have had sex under water.

I have had sex in the snow.
I am in a polyamorous relationship.
I have to have music playing while having sex.
I have had more than ten orgasms in one night. it was a very long night ;-)
I have flashed strangers.
I have given sex as a gift.
I have set-up a three-way for my lover.
I stopped during this list to have sex.

1. Have you ever had sex in the snow (clothed or otherwise)?

2. Have you thought about sex yet today?
Only a handful of times..

3. Do you think prostitution should be legal?

4. How important is a great sex life for your life satisfaction and happiness?
I used to think it was essential, i've learnt there is life after sex and i'm much happier not having to deal with another person (for now anyway).

5. Would you most likely have oral sex or intercourse first in a new relationship?
oral is just foreplay...

6. Have you ever broken up with someone because the sex was not great?
It doesn't have to be "great" all the time, i'd settle for good sometimes, but yes i've broken up with someone because the sex was terrible.

7. How would you like your partner to introduce new sexual activities?

8. With your present or most recent regular partner, do you schedule sex or let it happen spontaneously?
I never schedule it...

9. Have you ever pulled your partner's hair during lovemaking?
I don't think so, i've left a few scratches down some backs though...

10. Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?

11. What's your take on sex in the shower?
It's all good..

12. Have you ever slept with someone due to drunkenness?

13. What's your take on snowballing (passing semen back and forth orally)?
is that when you forget to swallow?

14. Have you ever accidentally called your sexual partner by another name during sex?
don't think so..

15. What's your take on female lubrication?
wet is good..

16. Have you ever had food (veggies, sausages) inserted into your vagina?

17. What do you generally think about during sex?
you're not meant to think, better to feel..

18. Have you ever visited a nude beach or a nudist park?

19. During penetration, what is your preferred style?
I have a couple of faves, but like variety..

20. How do you feel about having sex with your partner even though you aren't really in the 'mood'?
I'm not often not in the mood, and I'm easily persuaded, but if it ain't happening it just ain't going to happen..

21. Have you ever tasted your own vaginal secretions/ejaculate?

22. Can you feel the muscular contractions of your partner's genitals when s/he reaches orgasm?
yep, and I like to tease with those "contractions" too..

23. Do you talk to your friends about your sex life?
as i don't have one, not much to talk about at the moment, ordinarily only sometimes..

24. Have you ever seen other people having sex, and if so, how close were you to them?
yes, ummm just out of reach and didn't know them..

25. Are you happy with the appearance of your genitals?
uhh i guess so..

26. Does your partner know exactly the number of sexual partners you've had in your lifetime?
I'm not sure I know exactly...

27. What do you think is the ideal age for losing your virginity?
everyone's ideal is different, i was not quite 15..

28. When you start dating a new person, on which date do you usually have sex?
has been on the first, has been several weeks/months later, depends on the chemistry..

29. Have you ever slept with a friend?

30. Do you use sex toys?
not often..

31. Do you enjoy anal sex?

32. How often do you have sex?
at the moment it's ohh about once in 18+months....

33. What's your biggest turn on?
uhhh so many different things

34. What's your biggest turn off?
men at the moment...

35. Ever had sex in a public place? Where was it?
yep, beach, park, national park.. they're the first that come to mind..

36. Have you had sex with more than one person (a threesome or group sex)?

37. Ever been embarrassed being caught having sex?
can't remember ever being caught..

38. Have you ever had sex while tied up or blindfolded?
yep, both..

39. How often do you generally orgasm during sex?
It he's doing it right, at least 3 times..

40. How would you define your sexual orientation/preference?
I guess has to be straight... but open..

I know it's a poor excuse for a blog, hopefully I'll have something more soon. i do appreciate all of you still coming by :-)