Out of my Depth?
I've never really looked at parenting as black and white
There isn't really a right and wrong way of doing things
Although there are some definite "things not to do"
When I found out I was pregnant I was terrified
I was not much more than a child myself, I had no clue
I loved being a mother from the very first moment
I struggled to work out the practical side of having a baby
From the feeds, to the deciphering of cries, to walking and talking
Yet I managed, mostly on my own from when Little Boy was young
As he grew from a baby to toddler and into Little Boy, I grew as a Mum
I am still learning what my role is as he discovers the world and who he is
I'm working out that the years until now were truly the "easy" part
I'm once again doubting myself and my actions in parenting him
I'm realising that I have nothing to go on, no "ideal" or "worst case"
I can only allow him to be who he is, and help guide him to who he wants to be
I'm constantly asking if what I'm doing is enough...